
package org.cosplay

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Type members


abstract class CPAnimation(id: String) extends CPGameObject, CPAsset

Definition of the animation.

Definition of the animation.

Animation is defined as a sequence of key frames. Each key frame has an image and the index of its position in the sequence of key frames. Animation produces a key frame given animation context via method keyFrame. Note that animation definition is abstracted out from the way it is rendered. The same animation can be rendered differently. One such rendering is implemented by the built-in sprite CPAnimationSprite class.

Animation is an asset. Just like other assets such as images, sounds, fonts or videos they are not managed or governed by the CosPlay game engine unlike scenes and scene objects that are managed and governed by the game engine. Assets are typically created outside the game loop and managed by the developer, they can be freely shared between scenes or scene objects as any other standard Scala objects.

Class CPAnimationSprite provides convenient built-in support for animation-driven sprites. In most cases you will to use or extend this sprite class to work with this animation.

Note that companion object provides factory methods that produce often used types of animation:

Refresh Rate

Even though CosPlay's effective FPS is usually around 1,000 on modern computers, the typical ANSI terminal struggles to render a full screen update even at partly 30 FPS. Large frame updates tend to result in "rolling shutter" effect, which is pronounced more for certain shapes and certain movement directions.

It is important to note that this effect is more pronounced for horizontal movement of large vertical shapes. Try to avoid this type of movement in your games.

Discrete Animation

It should come as no surprise that animation in ANSI terminal can only happen in one character units. You can't move by individual pixel - you only move by 10-20 pixel at a time depending on the font size used by your terminal. Even the specific font size is not directly available to the native ASCII game.

Discrete animation is obviously more jerky and more stuttering comparing to the pixel-based animation of the traditional graphics games. Vertical movement is more jerky than horizontal one since character height is usually larger than the character width (and we can move only a one character at a time).

There are two ways to mitigate this limitation:

  • Use smaller shapes for animation, prefer horizontal movement, and avoid prolong movements. "Rolling shutter" effect does not happen on each frame (more like every 20-40 frames) and so shorter animation sequences have a lesser chance of encountering this effect.
  • Use discrete animation as an artistic tool. When used properly and consistently it can result in a unique visual design of the game.

Different Ways To Animate

In CosPlay there are different ways one could implement animated scene objects. In the end, all of these approaches deliver similar results but each individual technique is tailor-made for a specific animation type:

Animated Sprites

This is a classic sprite animation technique ideally suited for animations that can be defined as a sequence of individual similarly or identically sized images. When played, each individual images is shown for a short period of time one after another delivering animation effect.

Lets consider an animation of the airplane in a top-down view game play. The basic animations for the airplane banking left or right, taking off or landing are ideally suited for sprite-based animation as they can easily be defined as a short sequence of individual images.

Particle Effects

Particle effect animation is based on the concept of a pixel-based particle and particle emitter. Particle emitter emits particles. Each particle and its emitter have a fully programmable behavior. The key characteristic of particle effect animation is the randomness over the large number of individual elements that you can easily model and implement using fully programmable particles and emitters.

In our airplane example, lets consider how one could implement the explosion when the airplane is hit with the missile. One could potentially implement such animated explosion as a long sequence of images but such process would be very tidies and lack the desired randomness. Particle effect-based animation fits the bill perfectly in such cases allowing to implement such random explosion animation in just a few lines of code.

Canvas Drawing

Sometime, a simple drawing on the canvas is all that's needed for a desired animation. Consider how one could implement a laser strike in our airplane example. A laser strike can be defined as a variable length line of pixel shown for a split second. The best way to implement it is with one line of code using many of the drawing functions in CPCanvas class and putting this logic into CPSceneObject.render method.

Video Sprites

Video sprite is a variation of sprite-based animation. In case of video, there are typically a lot more frames (often 1000s of frames) and all these frames have the same dimension. CPVideo and CPVideoSprite provide easy-to-use mechanism to implement it. Back to our airplane example, the video-based animation would be ideal choice for the cutscenes, entry video, etc.


Shader is a piece of user-defined code that is executed on each frame for each scene object that has one or more shaders attached to it. There are types of animations that simply don't fit any previous type. The typical example of shader-based animation is the various lighting effect: flash-lite, sun shadows, transitions, highlighting, etc. These types of animation simply cannot be reasonably implemented using sprites, or particles, or canvas drawing. In such cases, shaders provide simple and effective contract to implement this behavior. Yet another unique characteristic of shaders is their application reusability. In fact, the same shader can be added to multiple scene objects to provide its effect.

In our airplane example, shaders can be used for shadow effect or "flashing" the airplane when it is hit by the enemy fire.

Value parameters


Unique ID of the animation.


See also

CPAnimationSprite for the built-in sprite that works with this animation.


See CPAnimationExample source code for an example of animation functionality.

trait CPAsset
class CPGameObject
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
object CPAnimation

Companion object containing factory methods.

Companion object containing factory methods.


class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Self type

Animation context that is passed into CPAnimation.keyFrame method.

Animation context that is passed into CPAnimation.keyFrame method.


See also

See CPAnimationExample source code for an example of animation functionality.

class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
case class CPAnimationKeyFrame(animationId: String, image: CPImage, index: Int)

Animation key frame consisting of an image and its index in the sequence of key frames.

Animation key frame consisting of an image and its index in the sequence of key frames.

Value parameters


ID of the animation this key frame belongs to.


Key frame image.


Index of this key frame in the animation sequence.



See CPAnimationExample source code for an example of animation functionality.

trait Serializable
trait Product
trait Equals
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Show all
class CPAnimationSprite(id: String, anis: Seq[CPAnimation], x: Int, y: Int, z: Int, initAniId: String, collidable: Boolean, shaders: Seq[CPShader], tags: Set[String]) extends CPDynamicSprite

A scene objet tailor-made for showing animations based on CPAnimation.

A scene objet tailor-made for showing animations based on CPAnimation.

This sprite allows to implement a visual scene object that has one or more animations associated with it. These animations can be controlled either by the sprite itself or from the outside. This class provides necessary implementation for update and render methods. Make sure to call super if overriding any of these methods.

There are additional methods that allow access to and the control of the animation in the sprite:

Typically, to create a moving sprite, one would override this class and implement movement logic in overridden update method (making sure to call super), as well as overriding getX, getY and getDim methods to return current coordinates and dimension. Note that in most cases, one do need to override or change render method.

Value parameters


Sequence of animation. Must have at least one animation in it.


Whether or not this sprite is collidable.


Optional ID of the sprite.


ID of the initial animation to play. This animation starts to play immediately.


Optional sequence of shaders for this sprite. Default value is an empty list.


Optional set of organizational or grouping tags. By default, the empty set is used.


Initial X-coordinate. Default value is zero.


Initial Y-coordinate. Default value is zero.


Initial Z-index. Default value is zero.


See also

See CPAnimationExample source code for an example of animation functionality.

trait CPLifecycle
class CPGameObject
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Show all
class CPArray2D[T](val width: Int, val height: Int)(using c: ClassTag[T])

Immutable 2D-array. Optionally, has a clear value that is used to clear out array.

Immutable 2D-array. Optionally, has a clear value that is used to clear out array.

Type parameters


Type of the array element.

Value parameters


Height of the array. Must be >= 0.


Width of the array. Must be >= 0.



If clear value is not set, the default clear value is null.

class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
object CPArray2D

Contains factory methods for 2D arrays.

Contains factory methods for 2D arrays.


class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Self type
class CPArrayImage(data: CPArray2D[CPPixel], origin: String) extends CPImage

An image based on two-dimensional pixel array.

An image based on two-dimensional pixel array.

This is the primary tool for creating in-code images. This class has number of constructors and companion utility methods to aid in creating in-code images in variety of ways. Here's a typical example of using this class to create an in-code image. Note the use of companion object function prepSeq():

object CPAlienImage extends CPArrayImage(
       |    .  .
       |     \/
       |    (@@)
       | g/\_)(_/\e
       |    //\\
       |   _|  |_
   (ch, _, _) => ch&C_LIME

Value parameters


Image data. Note that given data array should not have null values.


The origin of the image like file path or URL.


class CPImage
trait CPAsset
class CPGameObject
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Show all
Known subtypes
object CPBikingAniImage.type
object CPBirdAniImage.type
object CPCubeAniImage.type
object CPCurveAniImage.type
object CPDancerAniImage.type
object CPHandAniImage.type
object CPLogoCatAniImage.type
object CPMacarena1AniImage.type
object CPMacarena2AniImage.type
object CPMacarena3AniImage.type
object CPMacarena4AniImage.type
object CPMacarena5AniImage.type
object CPPointManAniImage.type
object CPRunnerAniImage.type
object CPSomersaultAniImage.type
object CPCircle1aImage.type
object CPCircle1bImage.type
object CPCircle1cImage.type
object CPCircle2aImage.type
object CPCircle2bImage.type
object CPCircle3Image.type
object CPCircle4Image.type
object CPCircle5Image.type
object CPCircle6Image.type
object CPCircle9Image.type
object CPAardvarkImage.type
object CPAlienImage.type
object CPAlienPlanetImage.type
object CPAmigaImage.type
object CPArrowImage.type
object CPAstronaut1Image.type
object CPAstronaut2Image.type
object CPAtari2080STImage.type
object CPBananaImage.type
object CPBatImage.type
object CPBearImage.type
object CPBedImage.type
object CPBeetleImage.type
object CPBrickNImage.type
object CPBrickWImage.type
object CPCactusImage.type
object CPCalculatorImage.type
object CPCapsuleImage.type
object CPCarImage.type
object CPCastleImage.type
object CPCloudImage.type
object CPCrownImage.type
object CPCubesImage.type
object CPDogImage.type
object CPDolphinImage.type
object CPFlamingoImage.type
object CPGameBoyImage.type
object CPGingerbreadImage.type
object CPGlobeImage.type
object CPGrimReaperImage.type
object CPHelicopterImage.type
object CPIceCreamImage.type
object CPKnifeImage.type
object CPLanderImage.type
object CPMoon1Image.type
object CPMoon2Image.type
object CPMotorcycleImage.type
object CPMouseImage.type
object CPOceanLinerImage.type
object CPPlaneImage.type
object CPRocket1Image.type
object CPRocket2Image.type
object CPSatellite1Image.type
object CPSatellite2Image.type
object CPSatellite3Image.type
object CPSaturnImage.type
object CPShieldImage.type
object CPSkullImage.type
object CPSpaceShipImage.type
object CPSunGlassesImage.type
object CPSwordImage.type
object CPTelescopeImage.type
object CPTntImage.type
object CPTornadoImage.type
object CPTruckImage.type
object CPUmbrellaImage.type
Show all
object CPArrayImage

Companion object contains utility functions.

Companion object contains utility functions.


class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Self type
class CPAsciiTable

ASCII-based table with minimal styling support. Can be used for structured logging and provides output like this:

ASCII-based table with minimal styling support. Can be used for structured logging and provides output like this:

|   Name        |               Value                  |
| Game ID       | 52050358-d7a1-4def-b53f-db2bee8aea33 |
| Game name     | My Cool Game                         |
| Game URL      | 'null'                               |
| Description   | 'null'                               |


class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
object CPAsciiTable

Companion object contains utility functions.

Companion object contains utility functions.


class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Self type
trait CPAsset

Mark up type indicating that the object is an asset.

Mark up type indicating that the object is an asset.

Assets like images, sounds, fonts, animations or videos are not managed or governed by the CosPlay game engine unlike scenes and scene objects that are managed and governed by the game engine. Assets are typically created outside the game loop and managed by the developer, they can be freely shared between scenes or scene objects as any other standard Scala objects.

Here's current list of assets:


class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Known subtypes
class CPAnimation
class CPFont
class CPFIGLetFont
object CPSystemFont.type
class CPImage
class CPArrayImage
object CPBikingAniImage.type
object CPBirdAniImage.type
object CPCubeAniImage.type
object CPCurveAniImage.type
object CPDancerAniImage.type
object CPHandAniImage.type
object CPLogoCatAniImage.type
object CPMacarena1AniImage.type
object CPMacarena2AniImage.type
object CPMacarena3AniImage.type
object CPMacarena4AniImage.type
object CPMacarena5AniImage.type
object CPPointManAniImage.type
object CPRunnerAniImage.type
object CPSomersaultAniImage.type
object CPCircle1aImage.type
object CPCircle1bImage.type
object CPCircle1cImage.type
object CPCircle2aImage.type
object CPCircle2bImage.type
object CPCircle3Image.type
object CPCircle4Image.type
object CPCircle5Image.type
object CPCircle6Image.type
object CPCircle9Image.type
object CPAardvarkImage.type
object CPAlienImage.type
object CPAlienPlanetImage.type
object CPAmigaImage.type
object CPArrowImage.type
object CPAstronaut1Image.type
object CPAstronaut2Image.type
object CPAtari2080STImage.type
object CPBananaImage.type
object CPBatImage.type
object CPBearImage.type
object CPBedImage.type
object CPBeetleImage.type
object CPBrickNImage.type
object CPBrickWImage.type
object CPCactusImage.type
object CPCalculatorImage.type
object CPCapsuleImage.type
object CPCarImage.type
object CPCastleImage.type
object CPCloudImage.type
object CPCrownImage.type
object CPCubesImage.type
object CPDogImage.type
object CPDolphinImage.type
object CPFlamingoImage.type
object CPGameBoyImage.type
object CPGingerbreadImage.type
object CPGlobeImage.type
object CPGrimReaperImage.type
object CPHelicopterImage.type
object CPIceCreamImage.type
object CPKnifeImage.type
object CPLanderImage.type
object CPMoon1Image.type
object CPMoon2Image.type
object CPMotorcycleImage.type
object CPMouseImage.type
object CPOceanLinerImage.type
object CPPlaneImage.type
object CPRocket1Image.type
object CPRocket2Image.type
object CPSatellite1Image.type
object CPSatellite2Image.type
object CPSatellite3Image.type
object CPSaturnImage.type
object CPShieldImage.type
object CPSkullImage.type
object CPSpaceShipImage.type
object CPSunGlassesImage.type
object CPSwordImage.type
object CPTelescopeImage.type
object CPTntImage.type
object CPTornadoImage.type
object CPTruckImage.type
object CPUmbrellaImage.type
trait CPShader
class CPBeatShader
class CPSound
class CPVideo
object CPMoonVideo.type
Show all

Base type for various scene-related context classes.

Base type for various scene-related context classes.


See also
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Known subtypes
class CPBubbleSprite(id: String, img: CPImage, initX: Int, initY: Int, z: Int, dxf: CPSceneObjectContext => Float, dyf: CPSceneObjectContext => Float, bgPx: CPPixel, durMs: Long, var onFinish: CPSceneObjectContext => Unit, autoDelete: Boolean, tags: Set[String]) extends CPImageSprite

Image sprite that provides moving and fading out image effect. This typically can be used for word or speech bubbles in the game and such.

Image sprite that provides moving and fading out image effect. This typically can be used for word or speech bubbles in the game and such.

Value parameters


Optional flag on whether or not to auto-delete the sprite from its scene when the effect is finished. Default value is true.


Background pixel to fade out to.


Duration of the shader effect in milliseconds.


Function providing per-frame X-coordinate delta. Defines speed of movement on X-axis.


Function providing per-frame Y-coordinate delta. Defines speed of movement on Y-axis.


Optional ID of the sprite.


The image to render. It can be changed later.


Initial X-coordinate of the sprite.


Initial Y-coordinate of the sprite.


Optional callback to call when the effect is finished. Default is a np-op.


Optional set of organizational or grouping tags. By default, the empty set is used.


Z-index at which to render the image.


trait CPLifecycle
class CPGameObject
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Show all
final class CPCache(delayedQ: ArrayBuffer[() => Unit])

A map-like type that is used by CPSceneObjectContext for game-wide and scene-wide user-data containers.

A map-like type that is used by CPSceneObjectContext for game-wide and scene-wide user-data containers.

The instances of this class are created and managed by the game engine and available via CPSceneObjectContext.getSceneCache and CPSceneObjectContext.getGameCache methods. Scene and game caches can be used to exchange and store user-defined data between frames of the same scene or between scenes of the game. Note that by default these caches are in-memory only and not persistent between game executions. One coule, however, add persistence using one of the lifecycle methods available through CPLifecycle type that is extended by both CPSceneObject and CPScene types.

Note that all mutating operations will be queued up and executed at the end of the current frame processing. Specifically, any changes will be "visible" to other scene objects only on the next frame.

Value parameters


Queue for delayed operations. Used internally by the game engine.


See also
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
open class CPCamera

Camera panning descriptor.

Camera panning descriptor.

Camera tracking is the process by which the game engine automatically focuses on a particular scene object and tracks its movement across screen keeping so that it stays in focus. Without camera tracking a scene object could move outside the visible screen and become invisible.

Camera descriptor defines a rectangular sub-region of the screen called focus frame. A tracking object can move freely as long as it is fully contained in that focus frame. Once the tracking object (at least partially) moves outside the focus frame, the focus frame and therefore the visible portion of the current scene will shift to bring the tracking object back into the focus frame. The amount of shift as well as its velocity is also controlled by this descriptor:

|scene                                             |
|         +-------------------------------+        |
|         |screen/canvas                  |        |
|         |     +--------------------+    |        |
|         |     |focus frame         |    |        |
|         |     |                    |    |        |
|         |     |       o            |    |        |
|         |     |      /|\ tracking  |    |        |
|         |     |      / \ object    |    |        |
|         |     |                    |    |        |
|         |     +--------------------+    |        |
|         |                               |        |
|         +-------------------------------+        |
|                                                  |

Camera control is a property of scene and available via CPScene.getCamera method. The camera descriptor is a mutable object. Once obtained via CPScene.getCamera method you can configure it. Note that the default camera descriptor returned by the scene is not configured for tracking.



See CPCameraExample class for the example of using camera.

class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
class CPCanvas(pane: CPZPixelPane, clip: CPRect)

2D rendering pane. Canvas is synonymous with screen, i.e. it is an object that allows to draw on the screen. Canvas has the dimension of the current scene or, if scene doesn't provide its own dimension, the size of the terminal. Note that this behavior means that canvas can change its size from frame to frame if the current scene does not provide its own dimension and the terminal size is changing. One can generally draw outside of canvas dimensions and any such pixels will be simply ignored.

2D rendering pane. Canvas is synonymous with screen, i.e. it is an object that allows to draw on the screen. Canvas has the dimension of the current scene or, if scene doesn't provide its own dimension, the size of the terminal. Note that this behavior means that canvas can change its size from frame to frame if the current scene does not provide its own dimension and the terminal size is changing. One can generally draw outside of canvas dimensions and any such pixels will be simply ignored.

For each game frame, the game engine creates a new empty canvas for all scene objects to draw on with the dimension set as described above. This canvas is available to scene objects via CPSceneObjectContext.getCanvas method. Game engine then compares previous canvas and this one to determine which areas of the terminal need redrawing.

You can also create the canvas object outside game loop using companion object methods. Such "off-line" canvas is convenient when one needs to draw something off the screen and then capture that drawing as an image, for example, during scene initialization out of the game loop.

Canvas (0,0) coordinate point is located in the top left corner. X-axis goes to the right and Y-axis points down. Every drawn pixel on the canvas also has a Z-index or depth. Pixel with larger or equal Z-index visually overrides the pixel with the smaller Z-index. Pixels with coordinates outside of the current canvas dimensions are ignored.

ASCII-based graphics are vastly different from the traditional raster-based graphics. Since ASCII-based drawing uses printable characters from ASCII character set that are displayed on basic text terminal most differences are obvious but some are more subtle and unexpected. For example, while straight vertical and horizontal lines are easy to implement many curved lines are much trickier to draw. Specifically, circles and ellipses, for example, are hard to do properly in automated way. Moreover, many complex curves need to be done manually, especially if they are dynamically redrawn on each frame update.

This class provides many methods for basic line and rectangular drawing, circle and polyline, anti-aliasing, "color" fill in, and much more. Most functions have multiple overridden variants with different parameters so that they can be easily used in different contexts. Note also that this class deals primarily with line ASCII art and has only few functions like antialiasing for the solid ASCII art.

One of the useful techniques of obtaining a complex "drawn-on-canvas" images is to create a new canvas object at the scene's start (see CPLifecycle.onStart method), draw all necessary ASCII art on it and then capture the image using one of the capture() methods in this class. Once image is obtained you can use it with any image-based sprites to display it.

There are many online tutorials for ASCII art that are highly recommended, including from:

See also the following resources for general ASCII art collections:

Value parameters


Clipping region.


Underlying z-pane.


See also

See CPCanvasExample class for the example of using canvas.

class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
object CPCanvas

Companion object with utility functions.

Companion object with utility functions.


class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Self type
abstract class CPCanvasSprite(id: String, shaders: Seq[CPShader], tags: Set[String]) extends CPSceneObject

Scene object tailor-made for canvas drawing.

Scene object tailor-made for canvas drawing.

Canvas sprite takes dimension of the current camera frame. That allows its CPSceneObject.render method, the only one method that needs to be implemented by the sub-type, to draw on entire camera frame of the terminal. Note that this sprite does not inherit from CPDynamicSprite and therefore does not support changing its positions out-of-the-box.

Note that by default this sprite sets its position and dimension equal to the entire camera frame. This may affect shaders attached to this sprite if they are configured to work with object vs. entire frame since this sprite will report its size as entire camera frame size. Shaders that work with this sprite should account for it.

Note, if overriding CPSceneObject.update method make sure to call super.update(...).


CosPlay provides number of built-in sprites. A sprite is a scene objects, visible or off-screen, that is custom designed for a particular use case. Built-in sprites provide concrete implementations for the abstract methods in the base CPSceneObject class. Most non-trivial games will use combination of the built-in sprites and their own ones. Here's the list of some of the built-in sprites:

Value parameters


Optional ID of this sprite.


Optional list of shaders attached to this canvas sprite.


Optional set of organizational or grouping tags. By default, the empty set is used.


See also

CPSceneObjectContext.getCanvas to get current canvas you can draw on.

CPCanvas various API to draw on the canvas.

trait CPLifecycle
class CPGameObject
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Show all
class CPCenteredImageSprite(id: String, img: CPImage, z: Int, collidable: Boolean, shaders: Seq[CPShader], orient: CPCenteredImageSpriteOrientation, tags: Set[String]) extends CPImageSprite

Image sprite that centers its image on the canvas on each frame update.

Image sprite that centers its image on the canvas on each frame update.

Value parameters


Whether or not this sprite has a collision shape. Default is false.


Optional ID of the sprite.


The image to render. It can be changed later.


Centering orientation. Default value is CPCenteredImageSpriteOrientation.BOTH. Note that you need set requires X or Y coordinates manually if not using CPCenteredImageSpriteOrientation.BOTH orientation.


Optional sequence of shaders for this sprite. Default value is an empty sequence.


Optional set of organizational or grouping tags. By default, the empty set is used.


Z-index at which to render the image.


See also
trait CPLifecycle
class CPGameObject
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Show all

Orientation of centering for CPCenteredImageSprite instance.

Orientation of centering for CPCenteredImageSprite instance.


trait Enum
trait Serializable
trait Product
trait Equals
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Show all
final case class CPColor(red: Int, green: Int, blue: Int, name: String) extends Ordered[CPColor], Serializable

An RGB/HSB color.

An RGB/HSB color.

A color is an immutable container for 24-bit RGB value.

Color Creation

Color companion object provides 100s of the pre-built color constants for all xterm and X11 standard colors. New color creation is an expensive process. It is highly recommended using one of the many built-in color constants or pre-create the colors you need upfront. As a rule of thumb - avoid new color creation on each frame update.

8-Bit & 24-Bit Color Depth

Most modern ANSI terminals support "True Color" 24-bit colors, the unlimited combination of Red, Green, and Blue values in RGB. Some older terminals, however, only provide support for 8-bit colors where each color is a lookup number into 256-color lookup table (LUT). These are also often called xterm colors despite the fact that xterm terminal application does support the 24-bit colors. Note that there's only an approximate translation from a true 24-bit color to 8-bit color, i.e. the closest 8-bit color will be used when translating from 24-bit color to 8-bit color. More specifically, many darker 24-bit colors will convert as 8-bit dark grey.

By default, CosPlay stores all colors in 24-bit format internally and renders all colors as 24-bit colors in both native terminal and the built-in terminal emulator. If, however, you want to automatically convert 24-bit color to the nearest 8-bit color during rendering you need to set system property COSPLAY_FORCE_8BIT_COLOR=true. Note that this will force both native terminal and built-in terminal emulator to use 8-bit color conversion even though technically the built-in terminal emulator can always display true 24-bit color. This is only necessary if running the game in the native terminal that does not support 24-bit colors.

Note also that since 8-bit color space is much smaller many color effects like fade in and fade out, color gradients, etc. will look less smooth when using 8-bit colors.

XTerm vs X11 Color Names

Companion object provides constants for pre-built colors:

You are free to use any constants with any naming convention, as well as mix and match - they are all just colors. Note that although there are many similar and identical colors across two naming groups, they do differ in some as well as offer some unique colors. CosPlay provides these two sets of constants for convenience. Please, refer to the following links for specific color references:

Value parameters


Blue RGB component.


Green RGB component.


Optional color name. Can be null or empty string. For built-in color this is color's constant name in this class.


Red RGB component.


trait Product
trait Equals
trait Ordered[CPColor]
trait Comparable[CPColor]
trait Serializable
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Show all
object CPColor

Companion object contains utility functions and color constants.

Companion object contains utility functions and color constants.


trait Product
trait Mirror
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Self type
object CPCurve

Set of utilities for interpolation functions.

Set of utilities for interpolation functions.


class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Self type
final case class CPDim(width: Int, height: Int) extends Ordered[CPDim], Serializable

2D dimension immutable container.

2D dimension immutable container.

Value parameters


Height in characters.


Width in characters.


trait Product
trait Equals
trait Ordered[CPDim]
trait Comparable[CPDim]
trait Serializable
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Show all
object CPDim

Companion object with static utility functions.

Companion object with static utility functions.


trait Product
trait Mirror
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Self type
abstract class CPDynamicSprite(id: String, x: Int, y: Int, z: Int, collidable: Boolean, shaders: Seq[CPShader], tags: Set[String]) extends CPSceneObject

Dynamic sprites can change their screen position. It provides an implementation for managing sprite's X, Y, and Z coordinates as well as storing the sprite's initial X, Y, and Z coordinates.

Dynamic sprites can change their screen position. It provides an implementation for managing sprite's X, Y, and Z coordinates as well as storing the sprite's initial X, Y, and Z coordinates.

UI Framework

Although CosPlay does not define an opinionated UI framework, several sprites and supporting classes are often used for constructing UI element on the screen. These include:

You can can also look at the following UI-related examples:

  • org.cosplay.examples.listbox.CPListBoxExample
  • org.cosplay.examples.dialog.CPDialogExample
  • org.cosplay.examples.layout.CPLayoutExample
  • org.cosplay.examples.textinput.CPTextInputExample

Value parameters


Whether or not this sprite provides collision shape. Default value is false.


ID of this scene object.


Optional sequence of shaders for this sprite. Default value is an empty sequence.


Optional set of organizational or grouping tags. By default, the empty set is used.


Initial X-coordinate of the top-left corner of the sprite. Default value is zero.


Initial Y-coordinate of the top-left corner of the sprite. Default value is zero.


Initial Z-index at which to render the sprite. Default value is zero.


See also
trait CPLifecycle
class CPGameObject
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Show all
Known subtypes
object CPEngine

CosPlay game engine.

CosPlay game engine.

Game engine is used mostly for game lifecycle like starting and stopping as well as debugging, logging, and managing global utility and miscellaneous features.

CosPlay games follow relatively straightforward game organization:

Note that these methods have two versions:

  • One that throws CPException exception in case of any errors for the classic exception-based error handling.
  • Another with Eff suffix in the name that returns scala.util.Try-monad allowing for composable effect-based error handling.

You can use either approach but you can't mix them up. Effect-based approach, however, forces a more rigorous error handling requiring to handle errors at each call.

CosPlay game organization using classic exception-based error handling:

import org.cosplay.*

object Game:
  def main(args: Array[String]): Unit =
      // Initialize the engine.
           CPGameInfo(name = "My Game"),
           System.console() == null || args.contains("emuterm")

      // Create game scenes & their scene objects.
      val sc1 = new CPScene(...)
      val sc2 = new CPScene(...)

      // Start the game & wait for exit.
      try CPEngine.startGame(sc1, sc2)
      finally CPEngine.dispose()


Here's the same game structure using effect-based error handling (calling sys.exit() with an appropriate exit code at each step):

import org.cosplay.*

object Game:
  def main(args: Array[String]): Unit =
      // Initialize the engine.
           CPGameInfo(name = "My Game"),
           System.console() == null || args.contains("emuterm")
      ).recover(_ => sys.exit(1)).get

      // Create game scenes & their scene objects.
      val sc1 = new CPScene(...)
      val sc2 = new CPScene(...)

      // Start the game & wait for exit.
      CPEngine.startGameEff(sc1, sc2).recover(_ => sys.exit(2)).get

      // Dispose game engine.
      CPEngine.disposeEff().fold(_ => sys.exit(3), _ => sys.exit(0))


  • Game start in a standard Scala way. It is recommended to use main(...) function for better compatibility.
  • Create CPGameInfo object that describes the game and its properties.
  • Initialize game engine by calling CPEngine.init/CPEngine.initEff method passing it game descriptor and terminal emulation flag.
  • Create all necessary scenes, scene objects and assets. You can organize these objects in any desirable way - CosPlay does not impose any restrictions or limitation on how it is should be done. Note also that scene and scene objects can be added, removed or modified later throughout the game lifecycle.
  • Once you have all initially required scenes constructed - you can start the game by calling one of the CPEngine.startGame/CPEngine.startGameEff methods.
  • Make sure to call CPEngine.dispose/CPEngine.disposeEff method upon exit from CPEngine.startGame/CPEngine.startGameEff method.

Extensions and Shortcuts

Throughout the CosPlay code, exampled and built-in games there are several extensions and syntactic shortcuts used to simplify frequently used code idioms:

Shortcut Replaced By
x.? Option(x)
x.seq Seq(x)
val x = nil[Int] val x: List[Int] = Nil
val x = none[Int] val x: Option[Int] = None

These extensions are introduced in the global scope and can be used by any code that is using CosPlay.

System Properties

CosPlay game engine supports the following system properties that control various aspects of its operation. Note that these properties must be set before method CPEngine.init/CPEngine.initEff is called:

System Property Value Type Description
COSPLAY_GAME_ID String Internal unique game ID.
COSPLAY_EMUTERM_FONT_NAME String Applies to the built-in terminal emulator only. Specifies the font name to use.
COSPLAY_EMUTERM_FONT_SIZE Int Applies to the built-in terminal emulator only. Specifies the font size to use.
COSPLAY_EMUTERM_CH_WIDTH_OFFSET Int Applies to the built-in terminal emulator only. Specifies character width offset. Can be positive or negative. Default is zero.
COSPLAY_EMUTERM_CH_HEIGHT_OFFSET Int Applies to the built-in terminal emulator only. Specifies character height offset. Can be positive or negative. Default is zero.
COSPLAY_EMUTERM_ANTIALIAS Applies to the built-in terminal emulator only. If system property is present - the font rendering will use antialiasing. By default, no antialiasing is used.
COSPLAY_FORCE_8BIT_COLOR Boolean Forces the automatic conversion from 24-bit color to 8-bit color. Only needed when running in the native terminal that does not support 24-bit color. Default value is false.
COSPLAY_TERM_CLASSNAME String Fully qualified class name for the custom terminal emulator implementation. Class must implement org.cosplay.CPTerminal trait.

Reserved Keyboard Keys

There are three reserved key strokes that are used by the game engine itself and therefore NOT available to the game. These keystrokes are intercepted before frame update and not propagated to the scene object context:

  • 'CTRL+Q' - toggles in-game FPS overlay (see CPEngine.enableCtrlFps method)
  • 'CTRL+L' - opens GUI-based loc viewer & debugger (see CPEngine.enableCtrlLog method)
  • 'F12' - saves current frame screenshot as *.xp image to the current working folder.



See developer guide at


See all examples under org.cosplay.examples package. Each example has a complete demonstration of working with game engine including initialization and game start.

class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Self type
class CPException(msg: String, cause: Option[Throwable]) extends RuntimeException

CosPlay exception.

CosPlay exception.

Many methods throughout CosPlay API throw this exception. In most cases - there's no expected recovery from these errors, such errors should be considered fatal and the game should be stopped. In rare cases where such recovery is possible - the documentation specifically highlights it.

Value parameters


Optional case of this error. Default value is None.


Error message.


class RuntimeException
class Exception
class Throwable
trait Serializable
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Show all
class CPFIGLetFont(flfPath: String) extends CPFont

FIGLet font.

FIGLet font.

FIGLet fonts allow creating art text out of ordinary letters, for example:

 /$$$$$$                      /$$$$$$$  /$$
/$$__  $$                    | $$__  $$| $$
| $$  \__/  /$$$$$$   /$$$$$$$| $$  \ $$| $$  /$$$$$$  /$$   /$$
| $$       /$$__  $$ /$$_____/| $$$$$$$/| $$ |____  $$| $$  | $$
| $$      | $$  \ $$|  $$$$$$ | $$____/ | $$  /$$$$$$$| $$  | $$
| $$    $$| $$  | $$ \____  $$| $$      | $$ /$$__  $$| $$  | $$
|  $$$$$$/|  $$$$$$/ /$$$$$$$/| $$      | $$|  $$$$$$$|  $$$$$$$
\______/  \______/ |_______/ |__/      |__/ \_______/ \____  $$
  ___  _____  ___  ____  __      __   _  _            /$$  | $$
 / __)(  _  )/ __)(  _ \(  )    /__\ ( \/ )          |  $$$$$$/
( (__  )(_)( \__ \ )___/ )(__  /(__)\ \  /            \______/
 \___)(_____)(___/(__)  (____)(__)(__)(__)
 .g8"""bgd                 `7MM"""Mq.`7MM
.dP'     `M                   MM   `MM. MM
dM'       ` ,pW"Wq.  ,pP"Ybd  MM   ,M9  MM   ,6"Yb.`7M'   `MF'
MM         6W'   `Wb 8I   `"  MMmmdM9   MM  8)   MM  VA   ,V
MM.        8M     M8 `YMMMa.  MM        MM   ,pm9MM   VA ,V
`Mb.     ,'YA.   ,A9 L.   I8  MM        MM  8M   MM    VVV
 `"bmmmd'  `Ybmd9'  M9mmmP'.JMML.    .JMML.`Moo9^Yo.  ,V

You can read the full FIGLet specification here. This class provides relatively full implementation for FIGLet fonts with the following limitations:

  • code tags are NOT supported
  • only UTF-8 and windows-1252 charsets are supported
  • only left-to-right font direction is supported
  • vertical smushing iS NOT supported (ignored)

CosPlay comes with 277 built-in pre-packaged FIGLet fonts. Companion object for this class contains constants for all these fonts.

Here's an example of rendering FIGLet fonts using static image sprites. Note that when invoking render it returns an image that can be rendered or used just like any other image in CosPlay:

val spr1 = CPStaticImageSprite(30, 14, 4, FIG_OGRE.render("CosPlay", C_WHITE).trimBg())
val spr1 = CPStaticImageSprite(30, 20, 4, FIG_OGRE.withKerning().render("CosPlay", C_LIGHT_STEEL_BLUE).trimBg())
val spr1 = CPStaticImageSprite(30, 27, 4, FIG_OGRE.withFullWidth().render("CosPlay", C_LIGHT_CORAL).trimBg())

Here's the list of helpful links when working with FIGLet fonts:



See CPFontsExample source code for an example of FIGLet font functionality.

class CPFont
trait CPAsset
class CPGameObject
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Show all
object CPFIGLetFont

Companion object contains constants for all built-in FIGLet fonts.

Companion object contains constants for all built-in FIGLet fonts.

Useful links:


class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Self type
abstract class CPFont(origin: String) extends CPGameObject, CPAsset

Font descriptor.

Font descriptor.

Font is an asset. Just like other assets such as images, sounds, animations or videos they are not managed or governed by the CosPlay game engine unlike scenes and scene objects that are managed and governed by the game engine. Assets are typically created outside the game loop and managed by the developer, they can be freely shared between scenes or scene objects as any other standard Scala objects.

CosPlay comes with a full support for FIGLet fonts as well as standard "system" font , all of which implement this interface. In other words, there's no difference whether you are drawing with a system (1-character height) font or a FIGLet font.


See also

CPFIGLetFont FIGLet fonts.

CPSystemFont System font.

CPStyledString Styled string using system font.

CPCanvas.drawStyledString Canvas drawing using system font or styled strings.


See CPFontsExample source code for an example of font functionality.

trait CPAsset
class CPGameObject
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Known subtypes
class CPFIGLetFont
object CPSystemFont.type
final case class CPGameInfo(id: String, name: String, semVer: String, initDim: Option[CPDim], termBg: CPColor, minDim: Option[CPDim])

Descriptor of the game.

Descriptor of the game.

Value parameters


Unique ID of the game. If not provided, the default value will be a randomly generated globally unique ID. For production games this ID must be stable. Changing the name of the game is akin to introduction of a new game. It is essentially an internal technical "sister" ID of the game's name.


Optional initial game dimension. It is used only by emuterm built-in terminal emulator to set the initial terminal emulator dimension. It is ignored by the native terminal. If not provided, terminal emulator will use its default dimension.


Optional minimal native terminal window size. This is only checked for the native terminal. If the native terminal size is smaller - an exception is thrown before game is started. For terminal emulator it is ignored.


Public, display name of the game. This parameter is required and does not have default value. Note that for production games this name must be stable as it is used in various places in the engine. Changing the name of the game is akin to introduction of a new game.


Semantic version of the game. See for details. Default value is 1.0.0


Optional background color for the terminal. The default value is 0x111111 RGB color.


trait Serializable
trait Product
trait Equals
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Show all
abstract class CPGameObject(id: String, tags: Set[String])

Root type for CosPlay classes.

Root type for CosPlay classes.

Game object has ID and organizational tags that can be used to organize game objects. See CPSceneObjectContext.getObjectsForTags method for getting scene objects based on their tags.

Value parameters


Unique ID of this game object. By default, a random 6-character ID will be used.


Optional set of organizational or grouping tags. By default, the empty set is used.


See also
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Known subtypes
class CPAnimation
class CPFont
class CPFIGLetFont
object CPSystemFont.type
class CPImage
class CPArrayImage
object CPBikingAniImage.type
object CPBirdAniImage.type
object CPCubeAniImage.type
object CPCurveAniImage.type
object CPDancerAniImage.type
object CPHandAniImage.type
object CPLogoCatAniImage.type
object CPMacarena1AniImage.type
object CPMacarena2AniImage.type
object CPMacarena3AniImage.type
object CPMacarena4AniImage.type
object CPMacarena5AniImage.type
object CPPointManAniImage.type
object CPRunnerAniImage.type
object CPSomersaultAniImage.type
object CPCircle1aImage.type
object CPCircle1bImage.type
object CPCircle1cImage.type
object CPCircle2aImage.type
object CPCircle2bImage.type
object CPCircle3Image.type
object CPCircle4Image.type
object CPCircle5Image.type
object CPCircle6Image.type
object CPCircle9Image.type
object CPAardvarkImage.type
object CPAlienImage.type
object CPAlienPlanetImage.type
object CPAmigaImage.type
object CPArrowImage.type
object CPAstronaut1Image.type
object CPAstronaut2Image.type
object CPAtari2080STImage.type
object CPBananaImage.type
object CPBatImage.type
object CPBearImage.type
object CPBedImage.type
object CPBeetleImage.type
object CPBrickNImage.type
object CPBrickWImage.type
object CPCactusImage.type
object CPCalculatorImage.type
object CPCapsuleImage.type
object CPCarImage.type
object CPCastleImage.type
object CPCloudImage.type
object CPCrownImage.type
object CPCubesImage.type
object CPDogImage.type
object CPDolphinImage.type
object CPFlamingoImage.type
object CPGameBoyImage.type
object CPGingerbreadImage.type
object CPGlobeImage.type
object CPGrimReaperImage.type
object CPHelicopterImage.type
object CPIceCreamImage.type
object CPKnifeImage.type
object CPLanderImage.type
object CPMoon1Image.type
object CPMoon2Image.type
object CPMotorcycleImage.type
object CPMouseImage.type
object CPOceanLinerImage.type
object CPPlaneImage.type
object CPRocket1Image.type
object CPRocket2Image.type
object CPSatellite1Image.type
object CPSatellite2Image.type
object CPSatellite3Image.type
object CPSaturnImage.type
object CPShieldImage.type
object CPSkullImage.type
object CPSpaceShipImage.type
object CPSunGlassesImage.type
object CPSwordImage.type
object CPTelescopeImage.type
object CPTntImage.type
object CPTornadoImage.type
object CPTruckImage.type
object CPUmbrellaImage.type
class CPScene
class CPSound
class CPVideo
object CPMoonVideo.type
Show all
abstract class CPImage(origin: String) extends CPGameObject, CPAsset

Defines rectangular shape and its content as a collection of pixels.

Defines rectangular shape and its content as a collection of pixels.

Image is one of the key types in CosPlay. Almost everything that is drawn on the screen is represented by an image: FIGLet font string, sprites, video and animation frames, etc. Image itself is just a container for pixels. It can be created in-code or loaded and saved from and to the external file or resource. To render the image on the screen you can use CPCanvas.drawImage method.

Image is an asset. Just like other assets such as fonts, sounds, animations or videos they are not managed or governed by the CosPlay game engine unlike scenes and scene objects that are managed and governed by the game engine. Assets are typically created outside the game loop and managed by the developer, they can be freely shared between scenes or scene objects as any other standard Scala objects.

In-Code Images

One of the convenient features of CosPlay is that images can be created & painted (a.k.a. skinned) right in code with very minimal gestalt. The easiest way is to use CPArrayImage class that provides utility methods to convert a margin-based Scala string into an image. For example:

import org.cosplay.*
import org.cosplay.CPColor.*
import org.cosplay.CPArrayImage.*
import org.cosplay.CPPixel.*

object CPAlienImage extends CPArrayImage(
       |    .  .
       |     \/
       |    (@@)
       | g/\_)(_/\e
       |    //\\
       |   _|  |_
   (ch, _, _) => ch&C_LIME

Another example with more sophisticated skinning:

import org.cosplay.*
import org.cosplay.CPColor.*
import org.cosplay.CPArrayImage.*
import org.cosplay.CPPixel.*

object CPAmigaImage extends CPArrayImage(
     |  .---------.
     |  |.-------.|
     |  ||>run#xx||
     |  ||xxxxxxx||
     |  |"-------'|
   (ch, _, _) => ch match
       case ' ' => XRAY
       case c @ ('A' | 'M' | 'i' | 'G') => CPPixel(c, C_NAVY, C_WHITE)
       case c @ ('r' | 'u' | 'n' | '#') => c&C_GREEN_YELLOW
       case 'x' => CPPixel(' ', C_BLACK)
       case '>' => '>'&C_GREEN_YELLOW
       case '~' => '~'&C_ORANGE_RED
       case c => c&C_WHITE

Loading Images

You can load images from the external source like URL or file path in one of the following formats:

  • *.xp REXPaint XP format. This is a native binary format supported by REXPaint ASCII editor. This format supports full color information.
  • *.csv REXPaint CSV format. This format is natively exported by REXPaint ASCII editor and also supported by CosPlay to save an image with. This format supports full color information.
  • *.txt format. Image in this format is a simple *.txt file and it does not provide or store any color information.

Use one of the following methods from the companion object to load the image from file path, resources folder or URL:

  • load()
  • loadRexCsv()
  • loadRexXp()
  • loadTxt()

For example:

val speckImg = CPImage.load(
   (px, _, _) => px.withBg(None) // Make background transparent.

Saving Images

You can save image to the local file path in the following format:

  • *.csv REXPaint CSV format. This format is natively exported by REXPaint ASCII editor and also supported by CosPlay to save an image with. This format supports full color information.
  • *.xp REXPaint XP format. This is a native format used by REXPaint ASCII editor and can be loaded by the REXPaint.This format supports full color information.
  • *.txt Text format. This format does not retain color information.

Use the following methods to save the image to the file path:

ASCII Art Online

There's a vast collection of existing ASCII art imagery online. Here's some of the main resources where you can find it:


CosPlay comes with a list of prefab image, animations and video clips. All of them are shipped with CosPlay and can be found in org.cosplay.prefabs package and its sub-packages.

ASCII Art Editors

REXPaint ASCII editor is an excellent free editor for ASCII art from the creator of the Cogmind game. REXPaint editor is highly recommended for images with non-trivial coloring.

Value parameters


The origin of the image like file path or URL.



See CPImageCarouselExample class for the example of using images.

See CPImageFormatsExample class for the example of using images.

trait CPAsset
class CPGameObject
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Known subtypes
class CPArrayImage
object CPBikingAniImage.type
object CPBirdAniImage.type
object CPCubeAniImage.type
object CPCurveAniImage.type
object CPDancerAniImage.type
object CPHandAniImage.type
object CPLogoCatAniImage.type
object CPMacarena1AniImage.type
object CPMacarena2AniImage.type
object CPMacarena3AniImage.type
object CPMacarena4AniImage.type
object CPMacarena5AniImage.type
object CPPointManAniImage.type
object CPRunnerAniImage.type
object CPSomersaultAniImage.type
object CPCircle1aImage.type
object CPCircle1bImage.type
object CPCircle1cImage.type
object CPCircle2aImage.type
object CPCircle2bImage.type
object CPCircle3Image.type
object CPCircle4Image.type
object CPCircle5Image.type
object CPCircle6Image.type
object CPCircle9Image.type
object CPAardvarkImage.type
object CPAlienImage.type
object CPAlienPlanetImage.type
object CPAmigaImage.type
object CPArrowImage.type
object CPAstronaut1Image.type
object CPAstronaut2Image.type
object CPAtari2080STImage.type
object CPBananaImage.type
object CPBatImage.type
object CPBearImage.type
object CPBedImage.type
object CPBeetleImage.type
object CPBrickNImage.type
object CPBrickWImage.type
object CPCactusImage.type
object CPCalculatorImage.type
object CPCapsuleImage.type
object CPCarImage.type
object CPCastleImage.type
object CPCloudImage.type
object CPCrownImage.type
object CPCubesImage.type
object CPDogImage.type
object CPDolphinImage.type
object CPFlamingoImage.type
object CPGameBoyImage.type
object CPGingerbreadImage.type
object CPGlobeImage.type
object CPGrimReaperImage.type
object CPHelicopterImage.type
object CPIceCreamImage.type
object CPKnifeImage.type
object CPLanderImage.type
object CPMoon1Image.type
object CPMoon2Image.type
object CPMotorcycleImage.type
object CPMouseImage.type
object CPOceanLinerImage.type
object CPPlaneImage.type
object CPRocket1Image.type
object CPRocket2Image.type
object CPSatellite1Image.type
object CPSatellite2Image.type
object CPSatellite3Image.type
object CPSaturnImage.type
object CPShieldImage.type
object CPSkullImage.type
object CPSpaceShipImage.type
object CPSunGlassesImage.type
object CPSwordImage.type
object CPTelescopeImage.type
object CPTntImage.type
object CPTornadoImage.type
object CPTruckImage.type
object CPUmbrellaImage.type
Show all
object CPImage

Companion object with utility functions.

Companion object with utility functions.


class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Self type
class CPImageSprite(id: String, x: Int, y: Int, z: Int, img: CPImage, collidable: Boolean, shaders: Seq[CPShader], tags: Set[String]) extends CPDynamicSprite

Scene object tailor-made for rendering images.

Scene object tailor-made for rendering images.

This sprite can be used to render static or moving image, the same image or changing images. For static unchanging images see CPStaticImageSprite for even simpler API.

Dynamic Image Position

If a game is intended to work with adaptive scene sizing than all of its scene objects must adapt to changing size of the scene. Image sprite provides simple and convenient way to support this logic. Here's an example of using image sprite to display an image at the center of the screen dynamically adjusting its position on each frame to the actual canvas size:

   val img = ...
   val spr = new CPImageSprite("logo", 0, 0, 0, img):
       override def update(ctx: CPSceneObjectContext): Unit =
           val canv = ctx.getCanvas
           setX((canv.dim.width - getImage.getWidth) / 2)
           setY((canv.dim.height - getImage.getHeight) / 2)


  • All we have to do is override CPSceneObject.update method to update XY-coordinate on each frame.
  • Canvas instance will always have the current size of scene: whether it is defined explicitly or implicitly as the current size of the terminal.
  • Initial (0,0) position is not used as we override the actual position on each frame.
  • We use methods setX and setY to set current XY-coordinates.
  • Note that we don't need to override any other methods. Specifically, we don't need to override render method since it relies on getX and getY method in its implementation.

See also CPDynamicSprite and CPLayoutSprite for imperative scene object layout.


CosPlay provides number of built-in sprites. A sprite is a scene objects, fully or partially visible including being entirely off-screen, that is custom designed for a particular use case. Built-in sprites provide concrete implementations for the abstract methods in the base CPSceneObject class. Most non-trivial games will use combination of the built-in sprites and their own ones. Here's the list of some of the built-in sprites:

Value parameters


Whether or not this sprite has a collision shape. Default is false.


Optional ID of the sprite. By default, a random ID will be used.


The image to render. It can be changed later.


Optional sequence of shaders for this sprite. Default value is an empty sequence.


Optional set of organizational or grouping tags. By default, the empty set is used.


Initial X-coordinate of the sprite. Default value is zero.


Initial Y-coordinate of the sprite. Default value is zero.


Initial z-index at which to render the image. Default value is zero.


See also

CPSceneObjectContext.getCanvas to get current canvas you can draw on.

CPCanvas various API to draw on the canvas.


See CPImageCarouselExample class for the example of using images.

See CPImageFormatsExample class for the example of using images.

trait CPLifecycle
class CPGameObject
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Show all
Known subtypes
object CPImageSprite

Companion object contains utility methods.

Companion object contains utility methods.


class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Self type
trait CPInput

Interface for the external input devices such as joysticks and game pads.

Interface for the external input devices such as joysticks and game pads.

You can add support for such devices by calling CPEngine.addInput and CPEngine.removeInput methods on the game engine. Note that keyboard support is built into CosPlay and you don't need to do anything additional to access it. This interface is designed to add additional external input devices that are not automatically supported by CosPlay.


See also
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

External input device context.

External input device context.

Instance of this type is passed to CPInput.poll method.


See also
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
final case class CPInsets(top: Int, left: Int, bottom: Int, right: Int)

Insets container as 4-int tuple.

Insets container as 4-int tuple.

Value parameters


Bottom inset.


Left inset.


Right inset.


Top inset.


trait Product
trait Equals
trait Serializable
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Show all
object CPInsets

Companion object with utility functions.

Companion object with utility functions.


trait Product
trait Mirror
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Self type
final class CPInt2(val i1: Int, val i2: Int) extends Ordered[CPInt2]

General 2-int tuple.

General 2-int tuple.

Value parameters


1st integer.


2nd integer.


trait Ordered[CPInt2]
trait Comparable[CPInt2]
trait Serializable
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Show all
object CPInt2

Companion object with utility and factory methods.

Companion object with utility and factory methods.


class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Self type
class CPInt4(val i1: Int, val i2: Int, val i3: Int, val i4: Int) extends Ordered[CPInt4]

General 4-int tuple.

General 4-int tuple.

Value parameters


1st value.


2nd value.


3rd value.


4th value.


trait Ordered[CPInt4]
trait Comparable[CPInt4]
trait Serializable
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Show all
Known subtypes
class CPRect
object CPInt4

Companion object with utility functions.

Companion object with utility functions.


class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Self type
final case class CPKeyboardEvent(key: CPKeyboardKey, sameAsLast: Boolean, eventFrame: Long, eventMs: Long, lastEventFrame: Long, lastEventMs: Long)

Container for the keyboard input event.

Container for the keyboard input event.

Your scene objects can access the current keyboard event using CPSceneObjectContext.getKbEvent method.

Value parameters


Frame number for this event.


Timestamp of the event in milliseconds.


Keyboard key.


Frame number of the last keyboard event.


Timestamp in milliseconds of the last keyboard event.


Whether or not last keyboard event had the same keyboard key.


See also
trait Serializable
trait Product
trait Equals
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Show all
object CPKeyboardKey

Companion object contains utility functions.

Companion object contains utility functions.


See also
trait Sum
trait Mirror
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Self type
enum CPKeyboardKey(val id: String, val isPrintable: Boolean, val ch: Char, val rawCodes: Seq[Char]*) extends HashMap[String, AnyRef]

Enumeration of all supported keyboard keys.

Enumeration of all supported keyboard keys.

Remapped Keys

The following keystrokes are automatically re-mapped:

  • CTRL+H is mapped to CPKeyboardKey.KEY_BACKSPACE.
  • CTRL+I is mapped to CPKeyboardKey.KEY_TAB.
  • CTRL+M is mapped to CPKeyboardKey.KEY_ENTER.

NOTE: CTRL+H, CTRL+I and CTRL+M will not be detected as-is, and you should use their conversions instead. Note that even-though this enumeration provides constants for CTRL+H, CTRL+I and CTRL+M they will never be returned to the scene objects since they would always be automatically remapped. This is the limitation of the ANSI terminals, i.e. CTRL+M generates the same ANSI code as Enter key press.

Reserved Keys

There are three reserved key strokes that are used by the game engine itself and therefore NOT available to the game. These keystrokes are intercepted before frame update and not propagated to the scene object context:

  • CTRL+Q - toggles in-game FPS overlay
  • CTRL+L - opens GUI-based loc viewer & debugger
  • F12 - saves current frame screenshot as REXPaint *.xp image to the current working folder.


See also


trait Enum
trait Product
class HashMap[String, AnyRef]
trait Serializable
trait StrictOptimizedMapOps[String, AnyRef, HashMap, HashMap[String, AnyRef]]
trait StrictOptimizedIterableOps[(String, AnyRef), Iterable, HashMap[String, AnyRef]]
class AbstractMap[String, AnyRef]
trait Map[String, AnyRef]
trait MapOps[String, AnyRef, HashMap, HashMap[String, AnyRef]]
trait Shrinkable[String]
trait Builder[(String, AnyRef), HashMap[String, AnyRef]]
trait Growable[(String, AnyRef)]
trait Clearable
trait Cloneable[HashMap[String, AnyRef]]
trait Cloneable
trait Iterable[(String, AnyRef)]
class AbstractMap[String, AnyRef]
trait Map[String, AnyRef]
trait Equals
trait MapFactoryDefaults[String, AnyRef, HashMap, Iterable]
trait MapOps[String, AnyRef, HashMap, HashMap[String, AnyRef]]
trait PartialFunction[String, AnyRef]
trait String => AnyRef
class AbstractIterable[(String, AnyRef)]
trait Iterable[(String, AnyRef)]
trait IterableFactoryDefaults[(String, AnyRef), Iterable]
trait IterableOps[(String, AnyRef), Iterable, HashMap[String, AnyRef]]
trait IterableOnceOps[(String, AnyRef), Iterable, HashMap[String, AnyRef]]
trait IterableOnce[(String, AnyRef)]
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Show all
class CPKeyboardSprite(f: (CPSceneObjectContext, CPKeyboardKey) => Unit, tags: Set[String]) extends CPOffScreenSprite

Scene object tailor-made for handling keyboard events.

Scene object tailor-made for handling keyboard events.

This is an off-screen sprite that has only one purpose of handling keyboard events. Since this is an off-screen sprite the method CPSceneObject.render will never be called. Use CPSceneObject.update callback, if necessary, instead and make sure to call super.update(...).

This is an example of the often used idiom by built-in examples to handle 'Q' key press to exit the game:

   CPKeyboardSprite(_.exitGame(), KEY_LO_Q, KEY_UP_Q)


CosPlay provides number of built-in sprites. A sprite is a scene objects, visible or off-screen, that is custom designed for a particular use case. Built-in sprites provide concrete implementations for the abstract methods in the base CPSceneObject class. Most non-trivial games will use combination of the built-in sprites and their own ones. Here's the list of some of the built-in sprites:

Value parameters


Keyboard key handler.


Optional set of organizational or grouping tags. By default, the empty set is used.


trait CPLifecycle
class CPGameObject
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Show all
class CPLabelSprite(id: String, x: Int, y: Int, z: Int, font: CPFont, text: String, fg: CPColor, bg: Option[CPColor], skin: (CPPixel, Int, Int) => CPPixel, collidable: Boolean, shaders: Seq[CPShader], tags: Set[String]) extends CPDynamicSprite

Scene object tailor-made for rendering text labels.

Scene object tailor-made for rendering text labels.

This sprite accepts text and the font along with skinning function and renders this text at the given XY-coordinates. Text of the label can change dynamically. Note that the dimension of the sprite is changing along with the change of the label's text.


CosPlay provides number of built-in sprites. A sprite is a scene objects, visible or off-screen, that is custom designed for a particular use case. Built-in sprites provide concrete implementations for the abstract methods in the base CPSceneObject class. Most non-trivial games will use combination of the built-in sprites and their own ones. Here's the list of some of the built-in sprites:

UI Framework

Although CosPlay does not define an opinionated UI framework, several sprites and supporting classes are often used for constructing UI element on the screen. These include:

You can can also look at the following UI-related examples:

  • org.cosplay.examples.listbox.CPListBoxExample
  • org.cosplay.examples.dialog.CPDialogExample
  • org.cosplay.examples.layout.CPLayoutExample
  • org.cosplay.examples.textinput.CPTextInputExample

Value parameters


Optional background color. Default value is None.


Whether or not this sprite provides collision shape. Default value is false.


Foreground color.


Font to use for label.


Optional ID of this sprite.


Optional sequence of shaders for this sprite. Default value is an empty sequence.


Skinning function. The function takes an existing pixel, its X and Y coordinate and return a new pixel. Default value is the function that returns the same pixel.


Optional set of organizational or grouping tags. By default, the empty set is used.


Label text.


Initial X-coordinate of the top-left corner of the label. Default value is zero.


Initial Y-coordinate of the top-left corner of the label. Default value is zero.


Initial Z-index at which to render the label. Default value is zero.



See CPTextInputExample class for the example of using labels and text input.

trait CPLifecycle
class CPGameObject
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Show all
class CPLayoutSprite(id: String, spec: String, shaders: Seq[CPShader], tags: Set[String]) extends CPOffScreenSprite

This is an off-screen sprite that provides layout capabilities for other dynamic sprites. This sprite relies on provided layout specification that dictates how every sprite should be positioned in relation to the entire screen or other sprite.

This is an off-screen sprite that provides layout capabilities for other dynamic sprites. This sprite relies on provided layout specification that dictates how every sprite should be positioned in relation to the entire screen or other sprite.

Here are several important notes about how this sprite works:

  • This sprite only deals with the XY-position of sprites and does NOT deal with Z-index or the size of the sprite. In other words, it never resizes the sprite it is laying out and expects that all constituent sprites have their size correctly set in CPSceneObject.update method.
  • Only sprites that extend CPDynamicSprite can be using with this layout sprite.
  • This sprite perform the layout on each frame.
  • Laid out sprites can overlap.

Layout Specification

Layout specification is a string that consists of semi-colon separated commands. Each command starts with the sprite ID, followed by '=' character and a set of instructions for this sprite position.

Here's basic BNF form for the layout specification:

  layout: decls* EOF;
      : decl
      | decls decl
  decl: ID '='' items ';';
      : item
      | items ','' item
      : offItem
      | xItem
      | yItem
  offItem: 'off' ':'' '[' NUM '.' NUM ']';
  xItem: 'x' ':' ('same' | 'before' | 'left' | 'center' | 'right' | 'after') '(' ID? ')'';
  yItem: 'y' ':' ('same' | 'above' | 'top' | 'center' | 'bottom' | 'below') '(' ID? ')';

  NUM: '-'? [0-9] [0-9]*;
  ID: [a-zA-Z0-9-_$]+;

Here's an example of the layout specification (from CPLayoutExample):

// This is the main panel centered on the screen.
Panel-1 = x: center(), y: center();

// These panels are placed in the 4 corners of the panel 1.
Panel-2 = off: [1, 0], x: left(Panel-1), y: top(Panel-1);
Panel-3 = off: [-1, 0], x: right(Panel-1), y: top(Panel-1);
Panel-4 = off: [1, 0], x: left(Panel-1), y: bottom(Panel-1);
Panel-5 = off: [-1, 0], x: right(Panel-1), y: bottom(Panel-1);

// Panels 6 and 7 go after each other.
Panel-6 = x: after(Panel-2), y: below(Panel-2);
Panel-7 = x: after(Panel-6), y: same(Panel-6);

// Centered image with 2-row offset.
img = off: [0, 2], x: center(Panel-1), y: center(Panel-1);


  • Each sprite is positioned by its top-left XY-coordinates.
  • Offsets can be negative and are applied to the top-left XY-coordinates of the sprite.
  • Default specification is 'off: [0,0], x: left(), y: top();'
  • C-style comments are allowed in any place in the specification.
  • 'left', 'right', 'top' and 'bottom' are referring to a relative position inside of the referral.
  • 'before', 'after', 'above', and 'below' are referring to a relative position outside of the referral.
  • '()' (empty brackets) refer to a entire scene screen as a referral "sprite".
  • Only sprites extending CPDynamicSprite can be used in layout specification. However, any scene object can act as a referral.
  • 'center' provides centering for either X or Y-coordinates.
  • 'same' allows to use the same X or Y-coordinates as a referral.
  • Use CPSpacerSprite to help fill up space in your layout.

UI Framework

Although CosPlay does not define an opinionated UI framework, several sprites and supporting classes are often used for constructing UI element on the screen. These include:

You can can also look at the following UI-related examples:

  • org.cosplay.examples.listbox.CPListBoxExample
  • org.cosplay.examples.dialog.CPDialogExample
  • org.cosplay.examples.layout.CPLayoutExample
  • org.cosplay.examples.textinput.CPTextInputExample

Value parameters


ID of this scene object.


Optional sequence of shaders for this sprite. Default value is an empty sequence.


Layout specification as described above. Note that specification can be updated later using CPLayoutSprite.updateSpec method.


Optional set of organizational or grouping tags. By default, the empty set is used.


See also

See CPLayoutExample class for the example of using this sprite.

trait CPLifecycle
class CPGameObject
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Show all
object CPLifecycle

Contains lifecycle state enumeration.

Contains lifecycle state enumeration.


class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Self type
trait CPLifecycle

Lifecycle type for scenes and scene objects.

Lifecycle type for scenes and scene objects.

Objects supporting this lifecycle transition their states as follows:

 +---------+   +------------+   +-----------+   +-------------+   +------------+
 +---------+   +------------+   +-----------+   +-------------+   +------------+
                                      |                   |

Specifically, lifecycle objects are started and stopped only once but they can transition from active to inactive state more than once. When a scene starts it and its scene objects will be started, if they haven't been started before, and activated. When switching to another scene, the current scene and its scene objects will be deactivated. Scene and scene objects get stopped when either the entire game exits or an object gets removed.

The typical use case for the lifecycle events is resource initialization and disposal, logging, stats collections, etc. It is especially important in online games or the games that pull or stream online assets.

Note that when overriding the following callback methods make sure to call super:


class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Known subtypes
trait CPListBoxElement[T]

An element of the listbox model.

An element of the listbox model.


See also
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

A model for listbox sprite.

A model for listbox sprite.


class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
class CPListBoxSprite(id: String, x: Int, y: Int, z: Int, model: CPListBoxModel, width: Int, height: Int, onKey: (CPSceneObjectContext, CPListBoxModel, CPKeyboardKey) => Unit, selSkin: (Int, CPPixel) => CPPixel, collidable: Boolean, shaders: Seq[CPShader], tags: Set[String]) extends CPDynamicSprite

A sprite that provide classic list box selector. It supports single selection over a list of values. This sprite uses an instance of CPListBoxModel to govern its operation. One needs to provide the model instance and onKey function to update the model based on the keyboard events.

A sprite that provide classic list box selector. It supports single selection over a list of values. This sprite uses an instance of CPListBoxModel to govern its operation. One needs to provide the model instance and onKey function to update the model based on the keyboard events.

Note that this sprite will automatically process KEY_LEFT and KEY_RIGHT keys to adjust the viewport of the listbox when the content of the model does not fit the dimensions of the sprite. These keys will still be passed to onKey() function call.

UI Framework

Although CosPlay does not define an opinionated UI framework, several sprites and supporting classes are often used for constructing UI element on the screen. These include:

You can can also look at the following UI-related examples:

  • org.cosplay.examples.listbox.CPListBoxExample
  • org.cosplay.examples.dialog.CPDialogExample
  • org.cosplay.examples.layout.CPLayoutExample
  • org.cosplay.examples.textinput.CPTextInputExample

Value parameters


Whether or not this sprite provides collision shape.


Height of the sprite.


ID of this scene object.


List box model to use.


A function that is called on each frame if a keyboard key was pressed. It takes scene object context, model and the pressed keyboard key. This function should manipulate the model instance passed into this constructor to update model state for given keyboard input. These model changes will then be rendered by this sprite.


Skinning function for the currently selected row. It takes relative X-coordinate and current pixel return a new skinned pixel for that location.


Optional sequence of shaders for this sprite.


Optional set of organizational or grouping tags.


Width of the sprite.


Initial X-coordinate of the top-left corner of the sprite. Default value is zero.


Initial Y-coordinate of the top-left corner of the sprite. Default value is zero.


Initial Z-index at which to render the sprite. Default value is zero.


See also

See CPListBoxExample class for the example of using this sprite.

trait CPLifecycle
class CPGameObject
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Show all
trait CPLog

Game logging interface.

Game logging interface.

As CosPlay games are terminal-based they require a different approach to logging since CosPlay cannot use the standard terminal output (it will conflict the game rendering). All the log that goes through this interface always ends up in two places:

  • Built-in GUI-based log viewer that can be opened in any game by pressing Ctrl-l at any time.
  • In *.txt log files under ${USER_HOME}/.cosplay/log/xxx directory, where xxx is the name of the game.

The instance of this logger is available to any scene object via CPSceneObjectContext.getLog. You can also get a root logger at any time outside the frame update pass via CPEngine.rootLog method. Note that additionally to the standard familiar logging APIs this interface supports log throttling that's important in games since most of the game logic gets "touched" up to 30 times a second and log throttling is essential for not overflowing logging.

Underneath the implementation is using latest Log4j2 library. You can supply your own log4j2.xml file on the classpath of your game. Here's the default Log4j2 configuration:

<Configuration status="INFO" strict="true">
               <Pattern>%d %p %c{1.} [%t] %m%n</Pattern>
               <TimeBasedTriggeringPolicy />
               <SizeBasedTriggeringPolicy size="250 MB"/>
       <Root level="trace">
           <AppenderRef ref="file"/>


See also
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
enum CPLogLevel

Log levels.

Log levels.


trait Enum
trait Serializable
trait Product
trait Equals
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Show all
case class CPMarkup(fg: CPColor, bg: Option[CPColor], elements: Seq[CPMarkupElement]) extends Serializable

Markup specification that can be used to convert a sequence of characters to the sequence of pixels based on this specification.

Markup specification that can be used to convert a sequence of characters to the sequence of pixels based on this specification.

Each specification has mandatory default foreground and optional background colors. It also has a list of markup elements (potentially empty) where each element has opening and closing tag and a function that takes a character and returns pixel.

Here's an example of defining the markup:

   val markup = CPMarkup(
           CPMarkupElement("<$", "$>", _&&(C_RED, C_WHITE)),
           CPMarkupElement("{#", "#}", _&&(C_BLUE, C_YELLOW)),
           CPMarkupElement("(?", "?)", _&&(C_BLACK, C_WHITE))

Once defined this markup can be used to convert a string ito sequence of pixels and then create an image:

   val pxs = markup.process("text <$ red on white (? black on white ?)$> {# blue on yellow #}")
   val img = CPArrayImage(pxs, bgPx, align = -1) // Left-aligned image.

Value parameters


Default optional background color.


Markup elements. Can be empty.


Default foreground color.


See also

CPArrayImage.apply method for creating an image from the list of pixel representing text.

trait Product
trait Equals
trait Serializable
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Show all
case class CPMarkupElement(openTag: String, closeTag: String, skin: Char => CPPixel) extends Serializable

Markup element.

Markup element.

Value parameters


Closing tag.


Open tag.


Character to pixel converter.


See also
trait Product
trait Equals
trait Serializable
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Show all
class CPOffScreenSprite(id: String, shaders: Seq[CPShader], tags: Set[String]) extends CPSceneObject

Scene object that has no rendering content of its own.

Scene object that has no rendering content of its own.

This type of sprites is typically used for keyboard handlers or shaders-only rendering, e.g. fade in of the entire screen, etc. Note that shaders must be attached to some scene object but that object doesn't have to be visible for the shader to render - hence the convenience of using off-screen sprites for screen-wide shader rendering. Off-screen sprite has its visible flag set to false, XY-coordinate set to (0,0) and its Z-index set to zero. Its dimension set to CPDim.ZERO and it shape set to CPRect.ZERO as well.

Since this is an off-screen, invisible sprite the method CPSceneObject.render will never be called. Use CPSceneObject.update callback, if necessary, instead and make sure to call super.update(...).


CosPlay provides number of built-in sprites. A sprite is a scene objects, visible or off-screen, that is custom designed for a particular use case. Built-in sprites provide concrete implementations for the abstract methods in the base CPSceneObject class. Most non-trivial games will use combination of the built-in sprites and their own ones. Here's the list of some of the built-in sprites:

Value parameters


Optional ID of this scene object. By default, the random 6-character ID will be used.


Optional sequence of shaders for this sprite. Default value is an empty sequence.


Optional set of organizational or grouping tags. By default, the empty set is used.


trait CPLifecycle
class CPGameObject
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Show all
Known subtypes

Companion object with utility functions.

Companion object with utility functions.


class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Self type
trait CPParticle

Programmable particle.

Programmable particle.

Particle is part of the particle effect animation support. Particle effect support consists of three key components:

Particle defines a single-pixel element (a-la mini-sprite) that has its own lifecycle and gets updated on each frame update. Particle emitter is a components that is responsible for creating particles. And particle sprite ties all that together into single renderable component. Particle sprite can have one or more particle emitters and each emitter can create multiple particles. One of the key features of particle effect support is its modularity: particle implementation can be reused by multiple emitters, and an emitter implementation can be reused by multiple independent particle sprites.



See CPParticleExample class for the example of using particle effect.

class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Known subtypes
abstract class CPParticleEmitter(id: String, tags: Set[String]) extends CPGameObject, CPAsset

Particle emitter.

Particle emitter.

Particle emitter is part of the particle effect animation support. Particle effect support consists of three key components:

Particle defines a single-pixel element (a-la mini-sprite) that has its own lifecycle and gets updated on each frame update. Particle emitter is a components that is responsible for creating particles. And particle sprite ties all that together into single renderable component. Particle sprite can have one or more particle emitters and each emitter can create multiple particles. One of the key features of particle effect support is its modularity: particle implementation can be reused by multiple emitters, and an emitter implementation can be reused by multiple independent particle sprites.

Particle emitter is an asset. Just like other assets such as fonts, images, animations or videos they are not managed or governed by the CosPlay game engine unlike scenes and scene objects that are managed and governed by the game engine. Assets are typically created outside the game loop and managed by the developer, they can be freely shared between scenes or scene objects as any other standard Scala objects.

Value parameters


Unique ID of this emitter. By default, a random 6-character ID will be used.


Optional set of organizational tags. These tags are here only for the game developer benefits as they are not used by the game engine itself. By default, the empty set is used.



See CPParticleExample class for the example of using particle effect.

trait CPAsset
class CPGameObject
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Known subtypes
class CPParticleSprite(id: String, emitters: Seq[CPParticleEmitter], collidable: Boolean, shaders: Seq[CPShader], tags: Set[String]) extends CPSceneObject

Scene object tailor-made for rendering particle effect.

Scene object tailor-made for rendering particle effect.

Particle sprite is part of the particle effect animation support. Particle effect support consists of three key components:

Particle defines a single-pixel element (a-la mini-sprite) that has its own lifecycle and gets updated on each frame update. Particle emitter is a components that is responsible for creating particles. And particle sprite ties all that together into single renderable component. Particle sprite can have one or more particle emitters and each emitter can create multiple particles. One of the key features of particle effect support is its modularity: particle implementation can be reused by multiple emitters, and an emitter implementation can be reused by multiple independent particle sprites.


CosPlay provides number of built-in sprites. A sprite is a scene objects, visible or off-screen, that is custom designed for a particular use case. Built-in sprites provide concrete implementations for the abstract methods in the base CPSceneObject class. Most non-trivial games will use combination of the built-in sprites and their own ones. Here's the list of some of the built-in sprites:

Value parameters


Whether or not this sprite provides collision shape. Default value is false.


Set of particle emitters this sprite will use.


Optional ID of the sprite.


Optional sequence of shaders for this sprite. Default value is an empty sequence.


Optional set of organizational or grouping tags. By default, the empty set is used.


See also

CPSceneObjectContext.getCanvas to get current canvas you can draw on.

CPCanvas various API to draw on the canvas.


See CPParticleExample class for the example of using particle effect.

trait CPLifecycle
class CPGameObject
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Show all
final case class CPPixel(char: Char, fg: CPColor, bg: Option[CPColor], tag: Int) extends Serializable

Single immutable character pixel.

Single immutable character pixel.

Character-pixel is a fundamental graphics unit in ASCII-based games. Just like the raster pixel on a graphics screen it represents the smallest area that can be rendered on the screen.

CosPlay pixel is immutable and consists of a character from the ASCII character set, a foreground color, an optional background color and an optional tag. Note that pixel itself does not have a Z-index as it can be rendered at any Z-index.

Pixel creation and manipulation is used extensively throughout a CosPlay game. There are several ways you can create a pixel:

   import org.cosplay.*
   import org.cosplay.CPColor.*
   import org.cosplay.CPPixel.*

   // Canonical black 'x' on white background.
   new CPPixel('x', C_BLACK, Some(C_WHITE), 0)

   // Few companion object shortcuts for often used cases...
   CPPixel('x', C_BLACK, C_WHITE) // Avoiding 'Some'.
   CPPixel('x', C_BLACK) // Skipping background all together.
   CPPixel('x', C_BLACK, 2) // Skipping background & setting a '2' ag.
   CPPixel('x', C_BLACK, C_WHITE, 2) // Setting up a '2' tag.

You can also use a convenient syntactic sugar '&' and '&&'based on given conversion and extension of Char type. The following unit test demonstrates that usage. Note that usage of '&' extension operators is the recommended way and that is what is used internally by CosPlay:

   import org.cosplay.*
   import org.cosplay.CPColor.*
   import org.cosplay.CPPixel.*

   val p1 = 'x'&C_BLACK // Recommended way.
   val p4 = CPPixel('x', C_BLACK)
   val p5 = new CPPixel('x', C_BLACK, None, 0)

   assertTrue(p1 == p4)
   assertTrue(p4 == p5)

   val p6 = 'x'&&(C_BLACK, C_WHITE) // Recommended way.
   val p7 = new CPPixel('x', C_BLACK, C_WHITE.?, 0)

   assertTrue(p6 == p7)

Value parameters


Background color. If not provided, the background color of this pixel will not be set when rendering on the screen.


Pixel character.


Pixel foreground color.


Pixel tag. Tag can be used to tag a pixel, for example, during a fill in algorithm to mark the pixel as touched.


See also
trait Product
trait Equals
trait Serializable
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Show all
object CPPixel

Companion object with utility functions.

Companion object with utility functions.


trait Product
trait Mirror
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Self type
final case class CPPosPixel(px: CPPixel, x: Int, y: Int) extends Ordered[CPPosPixel], Serializable

Immutable container for pixel and its XY-coordinate.

Immutable container for pixel and its XY-coordinate.

Value parameters




Pixel X-coordinate.


Pixel Y-coordinate.


See also
trait Product
trait Equals
trait Serializable
trait Ordered[CPPosPixel]
trait Comparable[CPPosPixel]
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Show all
object CPRand

Provides convenient functions for random number generation and usage.

Provides convenient functions for random number generation and usage.


See also


class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Self type
final case class CPRect(x: Int, y: Int, width: Int, height: Int) extends CPInt4

Rectangular shape.

Rectangular shape.

This class is used to define any arbitrary rectangular shape. Note that this class only describes the rectangular shape but does not hold any content.

Value parameters


Height of the rectangular.


Width of the rectangular.


X-coordinate of the left top corner.


Y-coordinate of the left top corner.


See also

CPArray2D 2D content holder.

trait Product
trait Equals
class CPInt4
trait Ordered[CPInt4]
trait Comparable[CPInt4]
trait Serializable
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Show all
object CPRect

Companion object with utility functions.

Companion object with utility functions.


trait Product
trait Mirror
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Self type
case class CPRenderStats(frameCount: Long, sceneFrameCount: Long, fps: Int, avgFps: Int, low1PctFps: Int, userTimeNs: Long, sysTimeNs: Long, objCount: Long, visObjCount: Long, kbEvent: Option[CPKeyboardEvent])

Container for rendering statistics.

Container for rendering statistics.

Value parameters


Average frames-per-second (FPS) over the last 500 frames.


Current frames-per-second (FPS) rate.


Current frame number since the beginning of the game.


Keyboard event, if any, for the current frame.


Average frames-per-second (FPS) value across lowest 1% of all FPS values for the last 500 frames.


Total count of scene objects (including visible and invisible ones).


Current frame number since the start of the current scene.


Average time in nanoseconds spent by the CosPlay game engine for the processing and rendering the current frame.


Time in nanoseconds spent in user logic for the current frame.


Total count of visible scene objects.


See also
trait Serializable
trait Product
trait Equals
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Show all

Listener for rendering statistics.

Listener for rendering statistics.


See also
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
open class CPScene(id: String, dim: Option[CPDim], bgPx: CPPixel) extends CPGameObject, CPLifecycle

A scene is a container for scene objects. Scene objects from the scene are drawn on the screen on each frame.

A scene is a container for scene objects. Scene objects from the scene are drawn on the screen on each frame.

Scene has an ID, optional dimension and one or more scene objects. Note that scene must always have at least one scene object. In CosPlay there is no hierarchy of scene objects in the scene - all scene objects form a simple flat structure inside of the scene. Just like with any other game objects, you can use tags to organize scenes and scene objects.

Creating A Scene

Scene has a strong encapsulation contract in relation to its scene objects: you can only add initial scene objects to the scene at the time of scene creation. Once scene is created, its constituent scene objects can only be manipulated via methods in CPSceneObjectContext class passed to scene objects on each frame update.

In CosPlay you create a new scene in one of two ways:

  • Instantiate CPScene class.
    When creating an instance of CPScene class you'll be using one of the constructors provided by CPScene class. Every constructor requires a set of initial scene objects to be supplied.
      val myScene = new CPScene("id", None, bgPx, spr1, spr2)
  • Extend CPScene class.
    When subclassing CPScene you need to use addObjects method available to the sub-classes to add initial scene objects.
       object MyScene extends CPScene("id", None, bgPx):
           addObjects(spr1, spr2)

Note that you can dynamically add and remove scene as well as scene objects via CPSceneObjectContext instance. See CPSceneObjectContext API for more details.

Scene Dimension

CosPlay scene can be adaptive or static in terms of its dimensions. When scene dimension is set it becomes unchangeable (static) for the lifecycle of the scene and its scene objects can rely on this fact. However, if scene dimension is set as None, it will adapt to the terminal dimension on each frame meaning that the scene's dimension and therefore its canvas on which all scene objects are rendered can change its size from frame to frame. Make sure that all scene objects in the adaptive scene take this into account in their rendering routines.

Value parameters


Background pixel of the scene. Background pixel is shown when none of the scene objects has drawn a pixel at that particular coordinate. Background pixel must have background color defined.


Optional dimension of the scene. Note that if dimension is None then scene will adapt to the terminal dimension on each frame. That means that the scene's canvas on which all scene objects are rendered can change its size from frame to frame. In such case, make sure that all scene objects take this into account in their rendering routines.


ID of the scene.


See also
trait CPLifecycle
class CPGameObject
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Known subtypes
abstract class CPSceneObject(id: String, tags: Set[String]) extends CPGameObject, CPLifecycle

Root type for all CosPlay scene objects.

Root type for all CosPlay scene objects.

Scene objects can be visible or invisible, have rectangular shape, have XY-coordinates of its left-top corner and Z-index. On each game frame and for each scene object the engine calls update method and, if object is visible and in frame, calls render method followed by calling all of its shaders.

Scene is a container for for scene objects. Scene objects can be added or removed from the scene dynamically via CPSceneObjectContext instance passed to update and render methods. Note that all scenes should have at least one scene object. In CosPlay there is no hierarchy of scene objects in the scene - all scene objects form a simple flat structure inside of the scene. Just like with any other game objects, you can use tags to organize scenes and scene objects.

Generally, you would use one of many existing scene object subclasses like the various sprites provided out-of-the-box. You can, however, just as easily subclass this class directly and provide the necessary implementation. At the minimum you need to implement all abstract methods and at least one of either render or update methods.

Here's a basic minimal scene object implementation that prints "Hello CosPlay!" text at (0,0) coordinate in black color:

object HelloSprite extends CPSceneObject("id"):
   override def getX: Int = 0
   override def getY: Int = 0
   override def getZ: Int = 0
   override def getDim: CPDim = CPDim(15, 1)
   override def render(ctx: CPSceneObjectContext): Unit =
       ctx.getCanvas.drawString(0, 0, 0, "Hello CosPlay!", CPColor.C_BLACK)

If scene object is invisible than only update method will be called on each frame. If object is visible and in camera frame - method render will be called as well to render itself. Note that shaders are called always, regardless of whether the object visible, in camera frame or invisible.

Note that shader pass consists of two phases:

  • In the 1st phase shaders for all visible scene objects are processed
  • In the 2nd phase shaders for all invisible scene objects are processed. This allows to minimize the interference between object shaders and full-screen shaders that are typically attached to the off-screen sprite that is invisible.

Value parameters


Optional ID of this scene object. By default, the random 6-character ID will be used.


Optional set of organizational or grouping tags. By default, the empty set is used.


See also
trait CPLifecycle
class CPGameObject
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Known subtypes

Scene object context during frame update.

Scene object context during frame update.

This type is the main access point to the most of CosPlay functionality for the scene objects comprising the gameplay. On each frame update all scene objects from the current scene receive CPSceneObject.update call and optional CPSceneObject.render call both of which receive the instance of this type. Also, the shaders attached to that scene objects, if any, receive the callback with the instance of this type.

Scene object context functionality can be grouped into:


See also
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
final class CPScreen(dim: CPDim, bgPixel: CPPixel) extends CPZPixelPane

Game engine view on terminal screen.

Game engine view on terminal screen.

Value parameters


Background pixel for the screen.


Screen dimension.


trait CPZPixelPane
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
trait CPShader extends CPAsset

A programmable shader for scene object.

A programmable shader for scene object.

Shader is a piece of user-defined code that is executed on each frame pass for each scene object that has one or more shaders attached to it.

Different Ways To Animate

In CosPlay there are different ways one could implement animated scene objects. In the end, all of these approaches deliver similar results but each individual technique is tailor-made for a specific animation type:

Animated Sprites

This is a classic sprite animation technique ideally suited for animations that can be defined as a sequence of individual similarly or identically sized images. When played, each individual images is shown for a short period of time one after another delivering animation effect.

Lets consider an animation of the airplane in a top-down view game play. The basic animations for the airplane banking left or right, taking off or landing are ideally suited for sprite-based animation as they can easily be defined as a short sequence of individual images.

Particle Effects

Particle effect animation is based on the concept of a pixel-based particle and particle emitter. Particle emitter emits particles. Each particle and its emitter have a fully programmable behavior. The key characteristic of particle effect animation is the randomness over the large number of individual elements that you can easily implement using fully programmable particles and emitters.

In our airplane example, lets consider how one could implement the explosion when the airplane is hit with the missile. One could potentially implement such animated explosion as a long sequence of images but such process would be very tidies and lack the desired randomness. Particle effect-based animation fits the bill perfectly in such cases allowing to implement such random explosion animation in just a few lines of code.

Canvas Drawing

Sometime, a simple drawing on the canvas is all that's needed for a desired animation. Consider how one could implement a laser strike in our airplane example. A laser strike can be defined as a variable length line of pixel shown for a split second. The best way to implement it is with one line of code using many of the drawing functions in CPCanvas class and putting this logic into CPSceneObject.render method.

Video Sprites

Video sprite is a variation of sprite-based animation. In case of video, there are typically a lot more frames (often 1000s of frames) and all these frames have the same dimension. CPVideo and CPVideoSprite provide easy-to-use mechanism to implement it. Back to our airplane example, the video-based animation would be ideal choice for the cutscenes, entry video, etc.


CPShader Shader is a piece of user-defined code that is executed on each frame for each scene object that has one or more shaders attached to it. There are types of animations that simply don't fit any previous type. The typical example of shader-based animation is the various lighting effect: flash-lite, sun shadows, transitions, highlighting, etc. These types of animation simply cannot be reasonably implemented using sprites, or particles, or canvas drawing. In such cases, shaders provide simple and effective contract to implement this behavior. Yet another unique characteristic of shaders is their application reusability. In fact, the same shader can be added to multiple scene objects to provide its effect.

In our airplane example, shaders can be used for shadow effect or "flashing" the airplane when it is hit by the enemy fire.

Shader is an asset. Just like other assets such as fonts, images, animations or videos they are not managed or governed by the CosPlay game engine unlike scenes and scene objects that are managed and governed by the game engine. Assets are typically created outside the game loop and managed by the developer, they can be freely shared between scenes or scene objects as any other standard Scala objects.

Full-Screen Shaders

Shader can work with either a scene object it is attached to or with full screen. Typically, a full screen shader will be attached to an off-screen sprite (since the particular scene object such shader is attached to is irrelevant). In more elaborate games, there could be multiple off-screen sprites with multiple full-screen shaders - where all these shaders work with the same screen real estate. In such cases it can be non-trivial to control the order in which shaders are executed, if required. The recommended technique for such cases is to have only one off-screen sprite that attaches all full-screen shaders so that their order can be easily defined and controlled.

Order Of Processing

Note that shader pass consists of two phases:

  • On the 1st phase shaders for all visible scene objects are processed
  • On the 2nd phase shaders for all invisible scene objects are processed. This allows to minimize the interference between object shaders and full-screen shaders that are typically attached to the off-screen sprite that is invisible. In other words, full-screen shaders will be execute after all object shaders in a given scene.


See also

See CPShaderExample class for the example of using shaders.

trait CPAsset
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Known subtypes

The scope for the CPSingletonSprite.

The scope for the CPSingletonSprite.


trait Enum
trait Serializable
trait Product
trait Equals
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Show all
class CPSingletonSprite(id: String, fun: CPSceneObjectContext => Unit, isMon: Boolean, scope: CPSingletonScope, shaders: Seq[CPShader], tags: Set[String]) extends CPOffScreenSprite

Special type of off screen sprite that performs given function only once the first time this sprite is processed by either the current scene or globally. Note that if the sprite is never added to the scene or never processed as part of the game loop, its function will never be called. Depending on the isMon parameter the function will be called in either CPSceneObject.update or CPSceneObject.monitor callbacks.

Special type of off screen sprite that performs given function only once the first time this sprite is processed by either the current scene or globally. Note that if the sprite is never added to the scene or never processed as part of the game loop, its function will never be called. Depending on the isMon parameter the function will be called in either CPSceneObject.update or CPSceneObject.monitor callbacks.

Value parameters


Function to call.


Optional ID of this scene object. By default, the random 6-character ID will be used.


If true then given function will be called from CPSceneObject.monitor callback, otherwise it will be called from CPSceneObject.update method. Default value is false.


The scope of this singleton. Default value is CPSingletonScope.OBJECT.


Optional sequence of shaders for this sprite. Default value is an empty sequence.


Optional set of organizational or grouping tags. By default, the empty set is used.


trait CPLifecycle
class CPGameObject
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Show all
class CPSound(src: String, tags: Set[String]) extends CPGameObject, CPAsset

Sound clip container.

Sound clip container.

Sounds object requires URI of the sound file in one of the supported formats: AIFF, AU or WAV. Sound object is immutable but its playback can be controlled with changing volume, balance, rate, fade in and out. Sounds are inherently asynchronous objects, you can have many sounds objects, all of them are independent of each other, and you can play them in parallel.

Sound is an asset. Just like other assets such as fonts, images, animations or videos they are not managed or governed by the CosPlay game engine unlike scenes and scene objects that are managed and governed by the game engine. Assets are typically created outside the game loop and managed by the developer, they can be freely shared between scenes or scene objects as any other standard Scala objects.

NOTE: game engine must be initialized before sounds object can be created.

Value parameters


RFC-2396 URI as required by or 'resource' file. URI should point to a sound file in one of the supported format: AIFF, AU or WAV. Only HTTP, FILE, and JAR URIs are supported.


Optional set of organizational tags. Default is an empty set.



See for the excellent source of royalty free sounds and audio-fx.


See CPSoundExample class for the example of using sounds.

trait CPAsset
class CPGameObject
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
object CPSound

Companion object with utility functionality.

Companion object with utility functionality.


class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Self type
class CPSpacerSprite(id: String, x: Int, y: Int, z: Int, var width: Int, var height: Int, collidable: Boolean, shaders: Seq[CPShader], tags: Set[String]) extends CPDynamicSprite

Simple sprite that only provides its dimension for layout purposes and has no rendering content.

Simple sprite that only provides its dimension for layout purposes and has no rendering content.

UI Framework

Although CosPlay does not define an opinionated UI framework, several sprites and supporting classes are often used for constructing UI element on the screen. These include:

You can can also look at the following UI-related examples:

  • org.cosplay.examples.listbox.CPListBoxExample
  • org.cosplay.examples.dialog.CPDialogExample
  • org.cosplay.examples.layout.CPLayoutExample
  • org.cosplay.examples.textinput.CPTextInputExample

Value parameters


Whether or not this sprite provides collision shape.


Spacer height.


ID of this scene object.


Optional sequence of shaders for this sprite.


Optional set of organizational or grouping tags.


Spacer width.


Initial X-coordinate of the top-left corner of the sprite. Default value is zero.


Initial Y-coordinate of the top-left corner of the sprite. Default value is zero.


Initial Z-index at which to render the sprite. Default value is zero.


See also
trait CPLifecycle
class CPGameObject
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Show all

Companion object.

Companion object.


class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Self type
class CPStaticImageSprite(id: String, x: Int, y: Int, z: Int, img: CPImage, collidable: Boolean, shaders: Seq[CPShader], tags: Set[String]) extends CPSceneObject

Scene object tailor-made for rendering static images.

Scene object tailor-made for rendering static images.

This sprite is very similar to CPImageSprite sprite and they both provide the same functionality. However, for non-moving non-changing images this sprite provides shorter and simple API and better performance. Note tha this sprite does not implement CPDynamicSprite and does not support changing its position.


CosPlay provides number of built-in sprites. A sprite is a scene objects, visible or off-screen, that is custom designed for a particular use case. Built-in sprites provide concrete implementations for the abstract methods in the base CPSceneObject class. Most non-trivial games will use combination of the built-in sprites and their own ones. Here's the list of some of the built-in sprites:

Value parameters


Whether or not this sprite has a collision shape. Default is false.


Optional ID of the sprite.


The image to render.


Optional sequence of shaders for this sprite. Default value is an empty sequence.


Optional set of organizational or grouping tags. By default, the empty set is used.


X-coordinate of the sprite.


Y-coordinate of the sprite.


Z-index at which to render the image.


See also

CPSceneObjectContext.getCanvas to get current canvas you can draw on.

CPCanvas various API to draw on the canvas.


See CPImageCarouselExample class for the example of using images.

See CPImageFormatsExample class for the example of using images.

trait CPLifecycle
class CPGameObject
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Show all

Builder for a styled string rendered using system font.

Builder for a styled string rendered using system font.

This utility class provides a builder pattern to built styled (colored) strings that are rendered using a system font. Once styled string is built it can be rendered via CPCanvas.drawStyledString method.

Here's an example of using styled string together with array image to quickly create an image with a styled textual content:

import CPStyledString.styleStr

val lblImg = new CPArrayImage(
   styleStr("[SPACE]", C_WHITE) ++ styleStr("Play|Pause ", C_GREEN) ++
   styleStr("[R]", C_WHITE) ++ styleStr("Rewind ", C_GREEN) ++
   styleStr("[Q]", C_WHITE) ++ styleStr("Quit ", C_GREEN) ++
   styleStr("[CTRL-L]", C_WHITE) ++ styleStr("Log ", C_GREEN) ++
   styleStr("[CTRL-Q]", C_WHITE) ++ styleStr("FPS Overlay", C_GREEN)


See also

See CPFontsExample source code for an example of font functionality.

class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Companion object contains factory functions.

Companion object contains factory functions.


class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Self type
object CPSystemFont extends CPFont

System 1-character high font.

System 1-character high font.


See also

See CPFontsExample source code for an example of font functionality.

class CPFont
trait CPAsset
class CPGameObject
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Show all
Self type
trait CPTerminal

Output terminal interface.

Output terminal interface.

This is game engine view on the underlying terminal. CosPlay comes built-in with two implementations for this interface:

  • org.cosplay.impl.jlineterm.CPJLineTerminal native JLine-based implementation that works with any OS command line terminal application supporting ANSI escape sequences are a standard for in-band signaling to control cursor location, color, font styling, and other options. For running games in xterm, iTerm, any VTE-based terminal, Windows Terminal, etc. this is the implementation to use.
  • org.cosplay.impl.emuterm.CPEmuTerminal GUI-based terminal emulator. It behaves in exactly the same manner as native ANSI-based terminal. It takes no advantage of raster graphics in drawing or color rendering. It also adheres to the FPS capping by the game engine. Terminal emulator is an ideal tool during the game development as you can quickly iterate, start and stop games right from IDEs without any need for the external builds.

When initializing CosPlay game engine using one of the CPEngine.init methods you are passing a boolean parameter which indicates whether to use native or a GUI-based terminal emulator. This way the game engine automatically knows which of the two built-in implementations to use and you don't need to specify these classes anywhere else. For the most use cases this is all that is needed.

Note that there's an easy way to check whether or not your game is running in the native terminal. Execute the following code somewhere in your game engine initialization routine:

   val isInNativeTerm = System.console() != null

and pass the appropriate flag into one of the CPEngine.init methods. This way your game will automatically choose the appropriate terminal implementation based on what environment it is running on.

Custom Terminal Implementation

You may decide to provide your own terminal implementation, for example, targeting iOS, Android or WebGL output. Here are the steps to do it:

  • Create a class that implements this trait.
  • This class should have at least one public constructor that takes one parameter of type CPGameInfo.
  • This class should be instantiable through standard reflection from Scala code.
  • Set system property COSPLAY_TERM_CLASSNAME=x.y.z.MyTerm, where x.y.z.MyTerm is a fully qualified name of the class you developed. Make sure to set this system property before calling one of the CPEngine.init methods.
  • Initialize the game engine as usual. Setting COSPLAY_TERM_CLASSNAME system property will override the default terminal selection.


See also



class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
class CPTextInputSprite(id: String, x: Int, y: Int, z: Int, visLen: Int, maxBuf: Int, var initTxt: String, onSkin: (Char, Int, Boolean) => CPPixel, offSkin: (Char, Int, Boolean) => CPPixel, var next: Option[String], var prev: Option[String], cancelKeys: Seq[CPKeyboardKey], submitKeys: Seq[CPKeyboardKey], keyFilter: CPKeyboardEvent => Boolean, collidable: Boolean, shaders: Seq[CPShader], tags: Set[String]) extends CPDynamicSprite

Scene object tailor-made for accepting text input.

Scene object tailor-made for accepting text input.

This sprite acts as a classic input field: user can input text using keyboard and cursor keys. It supports different field and buffer lengths, skinning input (i.e. password field) as well as user-defined set of keys for submission and cancellation. You can also chain multiple text inputs together to create an auto-navigable forms. NOTE: this sprite works only with system font - you can't use FIGLeft fonts with this sprite.


CosPlay provides number of built-in sprites. A sprite is a scene objects, visible or off-screen, that is custom designed for a particular use case. Built-in sprites provide concrete implementations for the abstract methods in the base CPSceneObject class. Most non-trivial games will use combination of the built-in sprites and their own ones. Here's the list of some of the built-in sprites:

UI Framework

Although CosPlay does not define an opinionated UI framework, several sprites and supporting classes are often used for constructing UI element on the screen. These include:

You can can also look at the following UI-related examples:

  • org.cosplay.examples.listbox.CPListBoxExample
  • org.cosplay.examples.dialog.CPDialogExample
  • org.cosplay.examples.layout.CPLayoutExample
  • org.cosplay.examples.textinput.CPTextInputExample

Value parameters


Optional set of keyboard keys to accept for cancellation action. When one of these keys is pressed the sprite will reset to its initial state, marked as ready and its result set to None. Default value is CPKeyboardKey.KEY_ESC. Note that neither cancel or submit keys can contain any of the internally used keys: CPKeyboardKey.KEY_LEFT, CPKeyboardKey.KEY_RIGHT, CPKeyboardKey.KEY_BACKSPACE or CPKeyboardKey.KEY_DEL.


Whether or not this sprite has a collision shape. Default is false.


Optional ID of this sprite.


Optional initial text to show at the initial state. Default value is an empty string.


Optional filter on keyboard events. Only if this filter returns true for a given keyboard event its key will be used as an input. Note that this filter is not applied to built-in keyboard keys such as cursor movements, escape, backspace, as well as cancel and submit keys. This filter can be used, for example, to ensure that only digits can be entered.


Overall buffer length of this field. It should always be greater then or equal to visible length.


Optional scene object ID to switch keyboard focus to after the user pressed one of the submit keys. Default value is None.


The skinning function for the inactive state (when sprite does not have keyboard focus). Skin function takes a character, its position in the input string and whether or not it is at the current cursor position (i.e. cursor is over the character). The function must return CPPixel instance.


The skinning function for the active state (when sprite has keyboard focus). Skin function takes a character, its position in the input string and whether or not it is at the current cursor position (i.e. cursor is over the character). The function must return CPPixel instance.


Optional scene object ID to switch keyboard focus to after the user pressed one of the cancel keys. Default value is None.


Optional sequence of shaders for this sprite. Default value is an empty sequence.


Optional set of keyboard keys to accept for submission action. When one of these keys is pressed the sprite will make result available via isReady method and will optionally switch keyboard focus for the next scene object, if any. Default value is CPKeyboardKey.KEY_ENTER. Note that neither cancel or submit keys can contain any of the internally used keys: CPKeyboardKey.KEY_LEFT, CPKeyboardKey.KEY_RIGHT, CPKeyboardKey.KEY_BACKSPACE or CPKeyboardKey.KEY_DEL.


Optional set of organizational or grouping tags. By default, the empty set is used.


Visible length of this field.


X-coordinate of the top-left corner. Default value is zero.


Y-coordinate of the top-left corner. Default value is zero.


Z-index at which to render this sprite. Default value is zero.


See also

CPSceneObjectContext.getCanvas to get current canvas you can draw on.

CPCanvas various API to draw on the canvas.


See CPTextInputExample class for the example of using labels and text input.

trait CPLifecycle
class CPGameObject
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Show all
object CPTileMapper

Utility that provides tile mapping functionality.

Utility that provides tile mapping functionality.



See CPTileMapperExample class for the example of using tile mapper.

class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Self type
class CPTitlePanelSprite(id: String, x: Int, y: Int, z: Int, width: Int, height: Int, bg: CPColor, borderChars: String, borderFg: CPColor, borderBg: Option[CPColor], title: Seq[CPPixel], borderSkin: (Int, Int, CPPixel) => CPPixel, collidable: Boolean, shaders: Seq[CPShader], tags: Set[String]) extends CPDynamicSprite

A sprite representing a dynamic panel with titled border. It creates the bordered panel similar to this:

A sprite representing a dynamic panel with titled border. It creates the bordered panel similar to this:

|                  |
|                  |
|                  |

UI Framework

Although CosPlay does not define an opinionated UI framework, several sprites and supporting classes are often used for constructing UI element on the screen. These include:

You can can also look at the following UI-related examples:

  • org.cosplay.examples.listbox.CPListBoxExample
  • org.cosplay.examples.dialog.CPDialogExample
  • org.cosplay.examples.layout.CPLayoutExample
  • org.cosplay.examples.textinput.CPTextInputExample

Value parameters


Panel background color.


Optional border background color.


Border chars. See CPCanvas.drawRectBorder method for details.


Border foreground color.


Skin function for the border that takes relative X and Y coordinates as well as default pixel at that location and returns the skinned pixel. Default value is no-op function.


Whether or not this sprite provides collision shape. Default value is false.


Immutable panel height.


ID of this scene object.


Optional sequence of shaders for this sprite. Default value is an empty sequence.


Optional set of organizational or grouping tags. Default value is an empty set.


Optional title for the border as sequence of pixels. Title is always centered. If sequence is empty, no title will be drawn.


Immutable panel width.


Initial X-coordinate of the top-left corner of the sprite. Default value is zero.


Initial Y-coordinate of the top-left corner of the sprite. Default value is zero.


Initial Z-index at which to render the sprite. Default value is zero.


See also





trait CPLifecycle
class CPGameObject
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Show all
abstract class CPVideo(id: String, origin: String, tags: Set[String]) extends CPGameObject, CPAsset

Definition of the video.

Definition of the video.

Video rendered in ASCII character is rather an acquired taste... However, when used carefully and tastefully it can provide striking visuals for ASCII-based game. There are plenty of tooling available that can help you to convert a standard video like MP4 into a set of JPEG images and then convert these images into ASCII art images. Once you have ASCII art images you can use CosPlay video support to playback that video.

Video support consists of three key components:

Video is defined as a sequence of same-sized frames where each frame is an image. CPVideoSprite provides rendering of that video while CPVideoSpriteListener allows the video playback to synchronize with other action in the game like sound or animation.

Video is an asset. Just like other assets such as fonts, sounds, animations or videos they are not managed or governed by the CosPlay game engine unlike scenes and scene objects that are managed and governed by the game engine. Assets are typically created outside the game loop and managed by the developer, they can be freely shared between scenes or scene objects as any other standard Scala objects.

Here's some useful links for ASCII videos:

Value parameters


ID for this video.


The origin of this video: file path or URL.


Optional set of organizational tags. Default is an empty set.



See CPVideoExample class for the example of using video support.

trait CPAsset
class CPGameObject
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Known subtypes
object CPMoonVideo.type
object CPVideo

Companion object provides utility functions.

Companion object provides utility functions.


class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Self type
class CPVideoSprite(id: String, vid: CPVideo, x: Int, y: Int, z: Int, fps: Int, autoPlay: Boolean, loop: Boolean, collidable: Boolean, shaders: Seq[CPShader], tags: Set[String]) extends CPDynamicSprite

Scene object tailor-made for rendering videos.

Scene object tailor-made for rendering videos.

Video support consists of three key components:

Video is defined as a sequence of same-sized frames where each frame is an image. CPVideoSprite provides rendering of that video while CPVideoSpriteListener allows the video playback to synchronize with other action in the game like sound or animation. Note that video sprite does not provide any playback controls out of the box.


CosPlay provides number of built-in sprites. A sprite is a scene objects, visible or off-screen, that is custom designed for a particular use case. Built-in sprites provide concrete implementations for the abstract methods in the base CPSceneObject class. Most non-trivial games will use combination of the built-in sprites and their own ones. Here's the list of some of the built-in sprites:

Here's some useful links for ASCII video in general:

Value parameters


Whether to autoplay the video.


Whether or not this sprite has a collision shape. Default is false.


Frame-per-second to use in rendering the video.


Optional ID of the sprite.


Whether or not to loop the playback.


Optional sequence of shaders for this sprite. Default value is an empty sequence.


Optional set of organizational or grouping tags. By default, the empty set is used.


Video to render.


Initial X-coordinate of the sprite.


Initial Y-coordinate of the sprite.


Initial Z-index at which to render the image.


See also

CPSceneObjectContext.getCanvas to get current canvas you can draw on.

CPCanvas various API to draw on the canvas.


See CPVideoExample class for the example of using video support.

trait CPLifecycle
class CPGameObject
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Show all

Listener for CPVideoSprite playback.

Listener for CPVideoSprite playback.

You can add and remove this listener to video sprite using CPVideoSprite.addListener and CPVideoSprite.removeListener methods.

Video support consists of three key components:

Video is defined as a sequence of same-sized frames where each frame is an image. CPVideoSprite provides rendering of that video while CPVideoSpriteListener allows the video playback to synchronize with other action in the game like sound or animation. Note that video sprite does not provide any playback controls out of the box.

Here's some useful links for ASCII video in general:


See also

See CPVideoExample class for the example of using video support.

class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
final case class CPZPixel(px: CPPixel, z: Int) extends Serializable

Immutable container that combines pixel and its Z-index.

Immutable container that combines pixel and its Z-index.

Value parameters




Pixel's Z-index.


See also
trait Product
trait Equals
trait Serializable
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Show all
trait CPZPixelPane

(0,0)-based pane for CPZPixel.

(0,0)-based pane for CPZPixel.

It is used for internal purposes only.


See also
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Known subtypes
class CPScreen
object CPZPixelPane

Companion object with utility functions.

Companion object with utility functions.


class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Self type

Value members

Concrete methods

def !>(cond: Boolean, errMsg: => String): Unit

A shortcut for:

A shortcut for:

   if !cond then throw new CPException(errMsg)

Value parameters


Condition to check.


Optional error message to throw if condition is false. By default, 'Requirement failed." message will be used.


def nil[T]: List[T]

Sugar for typed Nil value.

Sugar for typed Nil value.


def none[T]: Option[T]

Sugar for typed None value.

Sugar for typed None value.





extension (d: Int)(d: Int)
def days: Long


def gb: Long


def hours: Long


def kb: Long


def mb: Long


def mins: Long


def ms: Long


def secs: Long


def weeks: Long


extension [R, T](opt: Option[T])(opt: Option[T])
def ===(t: T): Boolean


def getOrThrow(err: => String | Exception): T


def mapOr(f: T => R, dflt: => R): R


def onNone(f: () => R): Unit


def onSome(f: T => R): Unit


extension [T](ref: T)(ref: T)
def ?: Option[T]

Shortcut for Option[x] as x.?.

Shortcut for Option[x] as x.?.


extension (s: String)(s: String)
def isVis(ch: Char): Boolean


inline def visLength: Int

Length of the string taking into account printable characters only.

Length of the string taking into account printable characters only.


inline def visOnly: String

String with all non-printable characters removed.

String with all non-printable characters removed.


extension [T](seq: Seq[T])(seq: Seq[T])
def rand: T

Random element selector using CPRand class.

Random element selector using CPRand class.


extension [T](t: Try[T])(t: Try[T])
def getOr(pf: PartialFunction[Throwable, T]): T

Sugar for scala.util.Try.

Sugar for scala.util.Try.


def getOrRethrow(): T

Sugar for scala.util.Try.

Sugar for scala.util.Try.


def onFailure(pf: PartialFunction[Throwable, T]): Unit

Sugar for scala.util.Try.

Sugar for scala.util.Try.


extension [T](t: T)(t: T)
def seq: Seq[T]

Shortcut for Seq(t) as t.seq

Shortcut for Seq(t) as t.seq


def set: Set[T]

Shortcut for Set(t) as t.set

Shortcut for Set(t) as t.set

