Ascii Macarena is a built-in game that ships with the CosPlay. This is a simple 100 lines of code game with a five cute stick-figures dancing Macarena. Each of the five dancers can be turned on and off by pressing his number key 1 through 5 on the keyboard. This game comes pre-packaged with CosPlay.
To play this game run the following commands:
1 2 3 4 5 6 | # One-time Git clone & build: $ git clone https: //github .com /nivanov/cosplay .git $ cd cosplay # To run the game: $ sbt "project cosplay; package; runMain" |
1 2 3 4 5 6 | # One-time Git clone & build: $ git clone https: //github .com /nivanov/cosplay .git $ cd cosplay # To run the game: $ mvn -f modules /cosplay exec :java -P macarena |
From IDE just execute this class:
The game looks like that:
SBT & Maven
CosPlay comes with support for both SBT and Maven builds. Running examples and built-in games via SBT will automatically use terminal emulator since both SBT and CosPlay use JLine library and SBT therefor uses Java process fork to launch the examples and games. If you want to run directly in the terminal console using pure text-mode - use Maven method instead.